Barco R9040100 What will be indicate ?, Service Mode, Start Up, Available items, software version

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Contents OWNERS MANUAL BARCO PROJECTION SYSTEMSREALITY SIM R9040100 - R9040101 R9040110 - R9040111 Federal communication commission FCC statement BARCO n.v./Projection SystemsNoordlaan B-8520 Kuurne Belgium Tel +32/56/368211 Fax +32/56/351651 E-mail sales.bsp@barco.comTable of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTSPACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS INSTALLATION GUIDELINESGETTING STARTED START UP OF THE ADJUSTMENT MODEPassword Protection RANDOM ACCESS ADJUSTMENT MODEEntering the Password Setting up your own passwordTable of Contents INSTALLATION MODE SERVICE MODE7-22 SOURCE NUMBERS 81 - 86 AND 91 STANDARD SOURCE SET UP FILESPackaging and Dimensions 1 PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONSContents of the complete unit box Projector PackagingProjector Case DimensionsInstallation Guidelines 2 INSTALLATION GUIDELINESSafety warning Installation GuidelinesWhich configuration can be used ? Projector ConfigurationsPositioning the Projector 5HDU5HDU7DEOH&HLOLQJRear/ceilingLenses Which lens has to be selectedAvailable lenses Lens formulas to calculate the projector distance How to install the lens?Battery installation in the RCU Cleaning the LensHow to replace the batteries in the RCU ? Inserting the BatteriesNote, only important if more than one projector is installed in the room AC Power mains cord connection Power connection to ProjectorSwitching on 4 CONNECTIONSLamp Run Time Switching to Stand-byLamp Run Time Warning Remaining Lamp run time 20 hSwitching to Stand-by Warning Switching OffSet up of the input selection Input Source ConnectionHow to select input Slot Which signals can be connected to the 5-cable inputConfiguration of the 5-cable input 5-cable Input Slot slotNote for RCVDS05 users Pin configuration of the D15 connectorAudio connection optional Computer input/Monitor output²Video Input Optional How to select SlotWhat can be connected S-Video Input optionalSerial Digital Input / Serial Digital Output optional Pin configuration mini DIN plugWhat can be connected to this input ? IEEE 1394 InputConfigurations of the port Set up of the Baud Rate for Communication with a ComputerConnecting a RCVDS 05 to the projector RS232 ConnectionHow to activate ? When available ?What is available ? How to lock an audio input ?4-10 Remote control Remote Control & Local Keypad5 GETTING STARTED Getting StartedAttention Switching to Stand-by Operating the ProjectorQuick Lens Adjustment Quick Set Up AdjustmentsOSD COLOR Quick On Screen Color changeHardwired Remote Input Using the RCUPointing to the reflective screen Directly to one of the IR sensors of the projectorSet up an Individual Projector Address Why a projector address ?How to control the projector or projectors Before using the RCUPicture controls Controlling the ProjectorSound Controls optional Phase ControlThe Selection key The Pause keyVolume Control Bass ControlStart up of the Adjustment Mode 6 START UP OF THE ADJUSTMENT MODEAdjustment Mode PasswordProtectionSetting up your own password RemarkError 7 RANDOM ACCESS ADJUSTMENT MODE Random Access Adjustment ModeRandom Access Mode Connecting a new Source Picture ServiceStart up the File Service Starting UpThe image is not perfect ? How to load a file ?What can be done with the Edit File menu ? Load FileWhich items can be adjusted ? How to start up the Edit menu ?How to change the settings ? How to find the correct values for the displayed item?Options Read AMDSExample for clamp position trailing leading edgeField Polarity Rename a fileHow to change the characters ? Copy a fileCOPY Delete File SortFile Options DELETEWhat is CTI ? Picture TuningHow to change thet CTI settings What is motion compensation ?LCD speed How to start up ?LCD speed R/G LCD speed B/GAdjusting the Color Temperature Available Color TemperatureColor Temperature How to change the gamma value ? What can be adjusted ?What can be done ? How can it be selected ?How to adjust the input balance ? Why adjusting the input balance ?To change the Color depth value To change the black colorAudio Tuning How to adjust ?Available items How to stop sound reproduction ? How to set up the fade ?How to install the sound mode ? Which Geometry adjustments are possible ? How to lock input source to an audio source ?How can an adjustment be adjusted ? GeometryTo start up the shift action To start up the size adjustmentAligning the keystone Available Blanking AdjustmentsHow to setup the desired aspect ratio ? Adjusting the blankingAspect Ratio 54/43/169 ASPECT RATIOSoft Edge How to change the geometry options ?To start up the Soft Edge function Which soft edge items are available ?Available image processing features How to set up the width ?How to start up the Demo ? Available soft edge typesSplit Screen Installation Mode 8 INSTALLATION MODEInstallation Mode To view or to change the input configurationPossible results for the input slots What if a switcher is connected to the projector ?800 Peripheral Defining the Output module of the RCVDS05Set up the Correct Configuration ConfigurationHow to change this color setting ? OSD color On-Screen DisplayNo Signal How to select an internal pattern ?Changing the shutdown setting Available patternsHow to program the quick access keys function keys Quick Access KeysGetting an overview Factory preprogrammed keysLens Adjustments Zoom/Focus/ShiftENTER to Shift EXIT to return How to change the setting ? Menu PositionMENU POSITION 5976135 BARCOREALITY SIM6 Service Mode 9 SERVICE MODEService Mode Built-up of the service modeIdentification What can be seen ?What will be indicated on the title page ? software version What will be indicate ?How to enable or disable the password function ? Change PasswordHow to change the password ? Change LanguageHow to change that common address ? How to change that address ?Start up Entering the new projector addressWhen is it allowed ? Reset Lamp RuntimeChange Baudrate PC Lamp Run Time HistoryDimming Available settings How to add the BARCO logo or to change a setting ?Uniformity Panel AdjustmentsPANEL ADJUSTMENTS UNIFORMITYI2C diagnosis Preset Input BalanceAppendix A Standard Source Set Up Files A STANDARD SOURCE SET UP FILESAppendix A Standard Source Set Up Files Appendix A Standard Source Set Up Files 5976135 BARCOREALITY SIM6 Source Numbers 80 - 89 and 90 B SOURCE NUMBERS 81 - 86 AND 91Projector without any 800 peripheral connected Projector with a 800 peripheral connectedSource numbers 81