document repositories help organizations store and organize business documents in one central location.
6. Connect people with information and expertise.
SharePoint Enterprise Search incorporates business data with information about people, documents, and Web pages to produce comprehensive, relevant results. Rich search functionality like duplicate collapsing, spelling correction, and alerts improves the relevance of the results and helps users easily find what they need within the search results.
7.Accelerate business processes and maintain control of your electronic forms environment.
Use smart, electronic
customers, partners, and suppliers through a Web browser without coding any custom applications.
8.Share business data while preserving its consistency and helping to protect sensitive information.
Give employees access to
browser through Excel Services running on Office SharePoint Server 2007. Use these spreadsheets to maintain and efficiently share one central,
Make it easy to create live, interactive BI portals that assemble and display
information from disparate sources, using integrated BI capabilities such as dashboards, Web Parts, scorecards, KPIs, and business data connectivity technologies. Centralized Report Center sites give users a single place for locating the latest reports, spreadsheets, or KPIs.
10.Provide a single, integrated platform to manage intranet, extranet, and Internet applications across the enterprise.
Office SharePoint Server 2007 has an open, scalable,
provides support for interoperability standards including XML and SOAP, which makes it easier to integrate with existing processes and applications. You also get powerful,