The Access Point can be configured as a DHCP server. More than one Access Point on the network can be configured as a DHCP server providing that the address pool of each server does not overlap.
Care should also be taken that any Access Point configured as a DHCP server should not conflict with any other DHCP server on the network.
Note that difficulty may be experienced if the pool size of the DHCP server is less than 8 when using wireless stations with MS windows. This is because Windows sometimes requests several addresses before accepting an offered IP address causing several addresses to be temporarily unavailable.
The Nokia A032 uses PPP to connect and send data to an ISP. A basic understanding of its operation may be helpful if you’re having problems with a
There are four phases to the connection process:
1.Dialing the ISP phone number.
2.This phase checks the compatibility of the modem on the other end of the phone line and negotiates the speed of the connection based on the quality of the phone line.
3.Talking to the ISP server and agree that it can use the PPP protocol.
4.Identifying the user to the ISP by sending a username and password.
5.Agreeing the IP addresses that will be used during the session.
If all four steps complete the Nokia A032 will be able to deliver and receive IP packets to and from the Internet.
We’ll look at each phase in detail and highlight possible problems. You might find it helpful to view the PPP Log screen.
What happens | Possible problems and solutions |
The Nokia A032 looks for a modem. The first | Verify that the DTR signal is active by viewing the |
required indication is that the DTR (Data terminal | Modem Status screen (see the printed Nokia |
ready) signal at the serial port is active. This tells | A032 Wireless LAN Access Point User Guide or |
the Nokia A032 that there is a device connected | the A032_User_Guide.pdf file) – the DTR box |
to the serial port. | should be red. If it is blue ensure that the modem |
| is powered on; check the cable connecting the |
| modem to the Nokia A032. |
After DTR is detected the Nokia A032 attempts to | If this step fails, make sure the modem is in its |
communicate with the modem using the industry | factory default state. Most modems automatically |
standard AT command set. | adapt to the data rate of the computer to which |
| they are attached. If your modem has a fixed data |
| rate you may need to specify that in Advanced |
| Internet Access setup (modem). |
The Nokia A032 sends a reset command to the modem and then, optionally, Sends a user- defined initialization string.
Most modems do not need an initialization string. However, if you are having problems, check the modem supplier’s support site for more
© NOKIA INC File: a032trbsv2.doc Date: 15.08.01 | 9/11 |