InFocus W61, W60, IN5124C, IN5122C manual

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Image 3
Contents Page Page Page Page IN5122/IN5124/IN5122c/IN5124c ContentsSafety Information Entries and graphical symbols explanationImportant safety instruction EN EMC directive Regulatory noticesFCC Warning EN 55022 WarningContents of package Preparations Loading batteries into the remote controlArrangement Connecting with your devices Turning on the power Connecting power supplyAdjusting the projector’s elevator Displaying the picture Use the Volume + / Volume buttons to adjust the volumeDisplaying the picture Turning off the powerPart number SP-LAMP-064 Replacing the lampHigh Voltage High Temperature Cleaning and replacing the air filter Cleansing and replacing the air filter Specification SpecificationsTrademark acknowledgment Troubleshooting Warranty and after-serviceEnd User License Agreement for the Projector Software Page Endbenutzerlizenzvereinbarung für die Projektor- software Page Page Gebruiksrechtovereenkomst Eula voor de pro- jectorsoftware Page 投影机软件的终端用户许可协议 프로젝터 소프트웨어 최종 사용자 라이센스 계약 Slutanvändarlicensavtal för projektorns program- vara Page Page GNU General Public License Page Page Page Page Page GNU Lesser General Public License Page Page Page Page Page Page Page GNU about the OpenSSL Toolkit 1610 IN5122/IN5122c169 IN5124/IN5124cComputer VCR/DVD/Blu-ray Disc player Unit mm Page Disperindag No /1.824.51/09.03
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