Commands and Syntax
“wlan” is a keyword and must be typed
Proper command form:
wifi wlan enable
Note that range commands can also be used. In the following example, WLANs 1, 2, 3 are enabled on all radios.
wifi wlan enable
This document refers to actual command syntax as little as possible. For a complete command syntax document, please refer to the Command Reference guide for a complete list of all available commands, the proper syntax, and usage examples. In no way does this User Guide attempt to replace or obsolete the Command Reference.
Interface Range
Multiple interfaces can be specified for a single command using port ranges. Use hyphens
To enable all 25 DSL ports, type: interface dsl enable
To enable only selected DSL ports, type: interface dsl enable
Hyphens and commas can also be used to enable remote Ethernet ports along with DSL ports. For example;
To enable Eth1 and Eth2 on every WallPlate, type: interface remote enable
VLAN commands can also be completed using interface ranges.
To add VLAN 100 to Eth1 on every WallPlate, type: vlan membership add 100 interface
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