4.5Manual operating mode
This operating mode is intended if the AML/J should be operated with- out the robot because of a robot fault or maintenance. In this operating mode the requirements are displayed in the AMU but the user performs the actions instead of the robot.
Step 1 Shut the system down according to Stopping the AML/J system on page
Step 2 Open the access doors to the archive
Step 3 Switch the mains switch on the AMU PC on
Step 4 Select the manual operating mode of your host software (HACC/MVS or ROBAR) or on the AMU:
•Host command MAN with MAN option
The Manual Operation window is opened.
Figure 4-2: "Manual Operation" window
Step 5 Start your application or repeat still pending Mount- KEEP or Eject tasks.
The task is displayed in the Manual Operation window.
Step 6 In the case of MOUNT remove the cartridge from the rack and place it in the stated drive.
In the case of KEEP remove the cartridge from the drive and place it in the I/O unit.
Step 7 Click on 2Nbutton in the 0DQXDO2SHUDWLRQwindow
Step 8 Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 until you start in normal mode again.