Parker Hannifin GEM6K manual User Information

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User Information


6K and Gem6K Series products are used to control electrical and mechanical components of motion control systems. You should test your motion system for safety under all potential conditions. Failure to do so can result in damage to equipment and/or serious injury to personnel.

6K and Gem6K Series products and the information in this user guide are the proprietary property of Parker Hannifin Corporation or its licensers, and may not be copied, disclosed, or used for any purpose not expressly authorized by the owner thereof.

Since Parker Hannifin constantly strives to improve all of its products, we reserve the right to change this user guide and software and hardware mentioned therein at any time without notice.

In no event will the provider of the equipment be liable for any incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with the use of the equipment or this user guide.

©2002, Parker Hannifin Corporation All Rights Reserved

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Image 2
Contents Ethernet Networking for 6K and Gem6K User Information Ethernet Networking Page Example Direct Connect to One Server Setup Wizard AvailableOverview Example Direct Connect to PC Networking Guidelines DevicePing Preparing the Controller over RS-232 Configuring the 6K for Ethernet CommunicationSetting TCP/IP Properties and Static Mapping Changing the 6K’s IP Address or Subnet MaskPage Connecting the 6K to the PC through Ethernet Arp -s 0-90-55-0-0-1Networking with Other 6K or Gem6K Products Peer-to-Peer MillisecondsNetworking with OPTO22 Snap I/O Communication according to the procedures onThen the command would be 3NTIP2,172,20,34,170 Set see ER, TER, TerfNetwork Server # Ntio command to specify the type of module in that positionInputs Module # on Server n Range Networking with a DVT Vision SystemIs set see ER, TER, Terf OPTO22 Ethernet I/O rack Command would be 3NTIP1,172,20,34,124Networking with an Allen-Bradley SLC 5/05 PLC Provided belowVARB100-VARB103 NTFEN2 Reset5NTCONN1 5NTPOLL50VARB106 Exchanging data automatically with the PLC. Here is how toHAB79 PLCError Response Possible Cause Error ConditionsError messages related to Ethernet networking Related Error Status register bits are noted below ER, TER, and Terf NtconnNetwork Connect Network Sharing Unit ID for Peer-to-Peer Communication Type Syntax Units Range Default Response See AlsoNtid ProductNetwork I/O OPTO22 Configuration Ntio\OUT , \TANI, \TANO, \TIN, \TIO, \TOUT Network IP Address Type Syntax Units Range Default ResponseNtip Server TypeNtmprb Network Map Binary Variables for Reading from PLC ExampleNtmpwb Network Map Binary Variables for Writing to PLCNtmpri Network Map Integer Variables for Reading from PLC TNTS, TNTSF, VariVARI35-VARI49 NtmpwiNetwork Map Integer Variables for Writing to PLC WAITVARI40=22Range n = NtpollNetwork Polling Rate Ntrate *NTRATE50 NtrateNetwork Sharing Rate for Peer-to-Peer Communication NTFEN, NTID, SYSPER, VARSHO, VarshiNtselp Network Program Select EnableNTS Network StatusNetwork Write Ascii String to DVT Camera Default Response See AlsoNtwrit Transfer Network Status TntsTntsf Transfer Network Status full-text reportShared Input Variable for Peer-to-Peer Data Exchange Default n/aVarshi Shared Output Variable for Peer-to-Peer Data Exchange Range i = Default n/aVarsho Output variable #1 This code is executed on unit #2 NTIO, \TANI, \TIO, VAR \ANINetwork Analog Input Voltage Status \ANO , NTIO, \TANO, \TIO \ANONetwork Analog Output \ANO Network Analog Output StatusNTIO, \TIN, \TIO, Varb \INNetwork Digital Input Status \OUT , NTIO, \TIO, \TOUT \OUTNetwork Digital Output VARB9=2\3OUT \OUTNetwork Digital Output Status \TANI Transfer Network Analog Input Status\TANO Transfer Network Analog Output Status\TIO Range n = Default n/a\TIN Transfer Network Digital Input StatusDigital Outputs \TOUTTransfer Network Digital Output Status Analog Outputs