Obtaining Support
3Com provides easy access to technical support information through a variety of services. This appendix describes these services.
Information contained in this appendix is correct at time of publication. For the most recent information, 3Com recommends that you access the 3Com Corporation World Wide Web site.
Register Your Product to Gain Service Benefits
To take advantage of warranty and other service benefits, you must first register your product at
3Com eSupport services are based on accounts that you create or have authorization to access. First time users must apply for a user name and password that provides access to a number of eSupport features including Product Registration, Repair Services, and Service Request.
To enhance response times or extend warranty benefits, contact 3Com or your authorized 3Com reseller.
Where To Go For Help
Contact your authorized 3Com reseller or 3Com for additional product and support information. You will find support tools posted on the 3Com web site at www.3com.com
Troubleshoot Online
3Com Knowledgebase helps you troubleshoot 3Com products. This
Connection Assistant helps you install, configure and troubleshoot 3Com desktop and server NICs, wireless cards and Bluetooth devices. This diagnostic software is located at http://www.3com.com/prodforms/software/connection_assistant/ca_thankyou.html
Access Software Downloads
Software Updates are the bug fix / maintenance releases for the version of software initially purchased with the product. In order to access these Software Updates you must first register your product on the 3Com web site at http://eSupport.3com.com/. First time