Obtaining Support
users will need to apply for a user name and password. A link to software downloads can be found from this http://eSupport.3com.com/ page, or located from the www.3Com.com home page.
Software Upgrades are the software releases that follow the software version included with your original product. In order to access upgrades and related documentation you must first purchase a service contract from 3Com or your reseller.
Contact Us
3Com offers telephone,
Telephone Technical Support and Repair
To obtain telephone support as part of your warranty and other service benefits, you must first register your product at
When you contact 3Com for assistance, please have the following information ready:
■Product model name, part number, and serial number
■A list of system hardware and software, including rev level
■Diagnostic error messages
■Details about recent configuration changes, if applicable
To send a product directly to 3Com for repair, you must first obtain a return authorization number (RMA). Products sent to 3Com, without authorization numbers clearly marked on the outside of the package, will be returned to the sender unopened, at the sender’s expense. If your product is registered and under warranty, you can obtain an RMA number online at
First time users will need to apply for a user name and password.
These numbers are correct at the time of publication. Find a current directory of support telephone numbers posted on the 3Com web site at