The HTTP server port can be changed to other secure port number. For example, when it is changed to 1001, the HTTP server address for the LAN side is
The IP address of the DMZ host at LAN side.
DHCP Relay
If it is enabled, the DHCP requests from local PCs will forward to the DHCP server runs on WAN side. To have this function working properly, please disable the NAT to run on router mode only, disable the DHCP server on the LAN port, and make sure the routing table has the correct routing entry.
DHCP Target IP
The DHCP server runs on WAN side.
IGMP Proxy
Here is the global setting for IGMP Proxy. If it is enabled, then the enabled IGMP Proxy on WAN PVCs will be working. Otherwise, no WAN PVC can have IGMP Proxy working on it.
PPP connect on WAN access
If it is enabled, the PPP session will be automatically established when there is a packet wants to go out the WAN.
The differences between PPP connect on WAN access and the Automatic Reconnect:
Some ISPs would terminate the PPP session due to the inactivity. For the PPP connect on WAN access, the PPP will be automatically reconnected when an URL is entered in the browser (packet interested in going out the WAN).
For the Automatic Reconnect, it will reconnect the PPP session whenever it is terminated by ISP.
PPP Half Bridge:
When the PPP Half Bridge is enabled, only one PC is able to access the Internet, and the DHCP server will duplicate the WAN IP address from the ISP to the local client PC. Only the PC with the WAN IP address can access the Internet.