AC97 Audio:
Enable / Disable onchip
Auto / Disabled
MC97 Modem:
Enable / Disable onchip MC97. Modem
Auto / Disabled
Onchip USB Controller:
This item allows you to decide to “All Disabled” or “All Enabled” the USB device.
All Disabled / All Enabled / 1&2 USB Port / 2&3 USB Port / 1&3 USB Port / 1 USB Port/ 2 USB Port / 3 USB Port
OnChip EHCI Controller:
This item allows you to decide to “Enabled” or “Disabled” the EHCI device.
Enabled / Disabled
USB Keyboard Support:
Select “Enabled” if your system contains a USB controller and you have a USB keyboard. Enabled / Disabled
USB Mouse Support:
Select “Enabled” if your system contains a USB controller and you have a USB mouse. Enabled / Disabled