APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages
2039:inappropriate request Cannot assign buttons that are
buttons fixed- can’t already fixed on the CAP.
2040:incorrect PDC
Has to be an ATL station to assign
must be station for prime
prime line preference.
line pref
2041:inappropriate request
Has to be an ATL station to assign
must be ATL set for
prime line preference.
prime line pref
2043:out of space System maximum reached for ATL
no more button sets
stations. No button structure left
for adding a new station or a new
data port.
2044:incorrect entry
Has to be TN742 CP for OPX.
incorrect board type for
Off Premises (OPX)
2045: incorrect facility type Error occurs when administering
incompatible with button
button features. Usually relates to
PDC you are trying to specify.
Check validity of PDC/DDC you are
trying to administer.
2046:incorrect button function Incompatible button feature for
codestation type.
incompatible with facility
2049: incorrect entry
Data value must be 0-1.
data must be 0-1
2050: inappropriate request
Station can’t be busy if you are
busy station can’t be going to move it.
move destination
2051: incorrect entry Entered data for night service
data can’t be 0
contains leading zero.
2052:inappropriate request Cannot change Toll Calls Allowed
improper procedure port number here.