8.If the problem does not move, replace the Ground Start CP.

9.If the problem moves, the fault is with the CO. Notify CO personnel through the proper channels.

10.If “Ringing no ground” is displayed, the T and R leads may be reversed in the trunk access wiring. The T lead should have ground, and the R lead should have –48 volts. These can be verified by reversing the ground and ring leads and checking with either a voltmeter or a test set (with a polarity switch). A voltmeter should indicate the presenceof 48 volts. A test set should provide dial tone when the Ring lead is temporarily grounded.

11.“Ringing no ground” may also mean that the ground detect circuit on the Ground Start CP is faulty. Check and replace this CP if necessary.

12."Ringing no ground”may also mean that the CO is unable to send ground. If this is the problem, notify the CO through the proper channels.

DID Trunks Troubles


User complaints that DID trunks are not operating properly (for example, callers hear ringing, but users do not hear ringing at voice terminals).

P r o c e d u r e s :

1.Check the trunk translations via the SAT to be sure that trunks have been properly translated. (See the Administration Manual.)

2.Check the Error Log for messages such as:

Rotary dial before wink

Rotary dial pulse too early

Rotary dial pulse during wink


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ADTRAN 25 manual Did Trunks Troubles