5.Enter 2.
The system responds with:
Save/Restore: Action=2 Data=.
6.Enter D.
The system completes the word Data followed by the = sign.
7.Enter 1.
The system responds with the complete line: Save/Restore: Action=2 Data=1
W25: YOU ARE ABOUT TO START A TAPE VERIFY c for continue, any other key for abort
Press c to continue, and the tape unit is automatically started by the system. Verifying translations takes about 5 minutes.
When verification is complete, the unit stops automatically.
If verification is successful, the SAT displays:
“(feature code issue, date, time, size)”
followed by:
8.Press the REWIND button to rewind the tape fully.
9.Label the tape with the date, time, task and feature release, and customer’s name. Be sure the tape is stored in a safe place for future access.
Note: Task and Feature release can be acquired by pressing m on the SAT.
10.Repeat both the Save and Verify procedures for a backup tape. Label and date both tapes accurately, and be sure they are stored in a secure place for future access.