APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages
| |
| |
4 0 0 1 : entry out | of range | Maximum FPDCs = 300 | |
| FPDC max reached |
| |
4 0 0 2 : | incorrect | entry | Specified FPDC not found. |
| does not exist or used |
| |
| improperly |
| |
4003: | action number out of | Must do action 1 before removing | |
| sequence | F P D C . | |
| do action 1 display before |
| |
| FPDC removal |
| |
4005: | inappropriate request | CAP not installed even through flag | |
| unlogged | FPDC’s/non- | is set to send FPDCs not logged in |
| existent | CAP | t h e r e . |
4 0 0 7 : | incorrect action number | Action invalid for FPDC update or | |
| can’t exceed 2 if FPDC | display. | |
| update/display |
| |
4 0 0 8 : | inappropriate request | Facility unequipped for FPDC | |
| facility not equipped | display . | |
4014: | at installed max | Maximum FPDCs = 300 | |
| FPDCs |
5003: | incorrect | entry | Number of seconds after last digit |
| data out of range | dialed to commence billing is | |
| invalid. |
5005: | entry out of range | NPA cannot exceed 3 digits. | |
| area code can’t exceed 3 |
| |
| d i g i t s |
5 0 0 6 : | incorrect entry | Area Code= NPA where | |
| area code digit out of | ||
| r a n g e |
5007: | incorrect | entry | Date must be in the form |
| date must be 6 digits | (MMDDYY) . | |
5010: | incorrect entry | Date = MMDDYY where MM=01 - | |
| incorrect month data | 12, DD=01 | |
5011: | incorrect | entry | Day = HHMM where |
| incorrect | day data | |
5 0 1 2 : | entry out of range | Hours/minutes = HHMM (4 digits | |
| hours/minutes must be 4 | exactly) | |
| digits |