Connect Building Wiring to SIP
The type of building wiring termination determines what types of adapters are used. Two types are supported: 4-pair cable (cut down) and modular jack. Any combination of adapters may be mounted on a 617A Panel. Cluster the connection on the SIP by voice terminal type: single-line, 7300H Series*, Multibutton Electronic Telephone (MET), and voice/data.
Modular Plug Termination
Each 4-pair modular plug supports one station (Figure 2-27).It connects to a modular jack in a Z210A2 Adapter.
1.Run the 4-pair cable through the rings at the top of the 617A Panels.
2.Connect the plug to any Z210A2 Adapter.
3.Feed the cable into the two purse lock clips at the adapter.
4.Using a felt-tipped pen, record the building wiring destination on the adapter’s grey modular jack.
5.Repeat the process until all of the 4-pair building cables are connected to the SIP. Some spare adapters should be left on the SIP to accommodate growth.
6.Twist the purse lock clips closed.
7.Document the connections you have made on the Voice and Data Station Records Form (Figure 2-26).
●These terminals are also used in a MERLIN communications system.