6.Check CP translations from the SAT to be sure that this CP has
7.Check LEDs on CP. The red LED will be lighted if a fault on the CP affects all ports. Also, the red LED may be lighted if one or a few ports are faulty.
8.Check Error Log for relevant messages.
9.Reseat the CP even if the red LED is dark. (See “Reseating and Replacing Circuit Packs” under “Routine Maintenance” in this section.) Replace the faulty CP.
Voice Transmission Troubles
Voice terminals not receiving tones.
1.Check that green LED on power supply is lighted. 2 . Check power supply for voltages.
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Procedures: Using a
You will hear busy tone if the receiver is in use. You will hear reorder tone if you misdialed or addressed a receiver not in the system (for example, you dialed *305 and the system does not have a TN748B CP). Try again.