●CO failure to release after PBX disconnect
●CO belated release.
These messages indicate CO problems. The first three errors are very common when DID trunks are installed. The CO should be notified through the proper channels about any of these problems.
3. The CO failure to release after PBX disconnect can frequently be corrected by disconnecting and then reconnecting the DID trunk. If this procedure does not resolve the problem, notify the CO through the proper channels.
4. Check each DID trunk port suspected of being faulty by dialing in with the
5. If the test call is successful at the network interface, the fault is probably with the CO facility, and the CO should be notified through the proper channels.
If the test call is not successful at the network interface, repeat this test at the cabinet.
If the test fails at the cabinet, replace the DID circuit pack.
If the test call is successful at the cabinet but not at the network interface, repair the trunk access equipment wiring.
Check the Error Log for any messages indicating unused (inaccessible) DID trunks.
Switched Loop Attendant Console Troubles
Refer to Figure
Note: If problems occur after the LOCAL mode has been used, activate the LOCAL mode again and recheck console operation.