Blaupunkt appendix Sydney RCM 126 us Toronto RDM 126 us

Page 14

Sydney RCM 126 us Toronto RDM 126 us

Fitting instructions Instructions de montage lnstrucciones de montaje Instrqbes de montagem


Bosch Group

@Safety notes

Before starbng to mount your car radro, read the mountrng and connectron rnstructrons carefully. Drsconnect the vehrcle battery’s negatrve termrnal before making connectrons

Be sure to observe the safety notes of the automobrle manufacturer (arrbags, alarm systems, on-board computers, rmmobrlrsers)

Before dnlkng holes, look to see what IS on the other srde - do not damage the battery, wrnng or fuse box. The posrtive lead used must have a cross-sectron of at least 2.5 mm2 The set IS protected by a quack-actrng 10 A fuse.

Dunng operatron of the unrt, the sets srde wall may heat up consrderably

Be sure to keep all wres away from hot parts of the housrng

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a Observaciones de seguridad

Antes de rnstalar su nuevo equrpo, srrvase de leer detenrdamente las rnstruccrones da montage y da conexron

Desconecte el termrnal negatrvo de la batena del vehiculo antes de hater las conexrones

Observe las rnformacrones de segundad del fabrrcante del vehrculo (con respect0 a arrbags, srstema de alarma, ordenador de a bordo, rnmovrlrzador).

Antes de taladrar agujeros, asegurese de no daiiar nrngunas panes del vehtculo (baterra. cableado, ca)a de fusrbles)

La seccron transversal del cable posrtrvo utrlrzado debe ser de 2 5 mm2 por lo menos El equrpo esta protegrdo medrante un fusible de 10 A de accron raprda

Durante la operacron del equrpo, la parte lateral de la radro puede calentarse consrderablemente.

Cercrorese de qua nrnguno de 10s cables este en contact0 drrecto con la ca]a del autorradro

Indications de skurit6

Veuillez lire les instructions de montage et de raccordement avant de monter votre autoradio. Debrancher le pole negatif de la batterie pendant les operations de montage et de branchement.

Prendre note des indications de securite du fabricant du vehicule (airbag, alarmes, ordinateur de bord, dispositifs de blocage des roues).

En percant des trous, veiller a ce que les elements du vehicule (batterie, cable, boite a fusibles) ne soient pas endommages.

La section du cable positif ne doit pas etre inferieure a 2,5 mm’.

L’appareil est protege par un coupe-circuit a action instantanee de IO A.

La partie laterale de I’autoradio s’echauffe enormement pendant le service de I’appareil.

Veiller a ce qu’aucun cable ne se trouve sur le boitier.

a Instru@es de seguraqa

Antes da montagem do seu auto-radro, ler as rnstrupoes de montagem e de lkgacao Durante o tempo da montagem e da Irgacao, desapertar o termrnal do borne negatrvo da batena Segurr as rnstrucdes de seguranca do construtor do verculo (arrbag. srstemas antt-roubo, computadores de bordo, srstemas rmobrlrzadores)

Na furagem de buracos, dar atencao a nao danrfrcar quarsquer pecas do verculo (batena, cabos, carxa de fusivers)

0 drametro do cabo posrtrvo nao deve ser rnfenor a 2,5 mm* 0 aparelho esta protegrdo atraves de urn fuswel 10 A de accao raptda

A parte lateral do auto-radro atrnge durante o funcronamento temperaturas altas

Dar atencao a que OS cabos nao frquem proxrmos da carxa

Image 14
Contents Contents Key Features Codem IV-US Tuner FeaturesOther Features Audio FeaturesCassette Features DMS CD Changer Control Fea- tures@ KeyCard theft protection SyStStII @ DisplayPTY w14 Scan@ AUD @ DIS@LD Important notes KeyCard theft protection systemSwitching the audio source Radio operation with RDS Radio Data SystemSwitching from stereo to mono Scanning stored stations with Preset ScanSelecting the seek tuning sensi- tivity RDS Seek only FMREL Musc REL Talk Persnlty Public News InformSoft RCK Selecting tracks with S-CPS Switching the tape side Inserting a tapeRemoving a tape Tape equalisation CD changer operation optional DSC programming Appendix Overview of the DSC factory settingsQuestions? Problems? Call CDC UPD AUXSydney RCM 126 us Toronto RDM 126 us Electrical Connection Instructions If YOU are Installing a Compatible Blaupunkt CD ChangerGeneral Recommendations and Notes Page Preamp Output Connection ItdELESS Remote ControlsSpeaker Connection Instructions Auxiliary InputInstallation Instructions