Host system mouse settings
The host operating system has various settings for the mouse driver. Smart 16 IP works with accelerated mice and is able to synchronize the host with the client mouse pointer. This is further discussed on page 14.
The following may prevent proper mouse synchronization.
Windows XP has a setting ' enhanced pointer precision’. Deactivate it.
Check the correct setting by moving the mouse of your administration system to the upper left corner of the Remote Console and moving it there slightly forth and back. This will force mouse synchronization in that corner of the screen. Once that is done you may observe the behavior of your client mouse in accordance to the host one. If both mice desynchronize quickly one of the above may be the reason.
6. Smart 16 IP Video Modes
Smart 16 IP recognizes a limited number of common video modes. When running
You can adjust up to 4 Custom Video Modes if your video mode differs from the standard VESA video mode.
Set the Custom Video Modes in the Video settings section.
7. Operating the Smart 16 IP system
Operate the Smart 16 IP system through one of the following interfaces:
1.HTTP/HTTPS - Any standard Web browser. Depending on the Web browser, you can access the Smart 16 IP card using the unsecured HTTP protocol or, in case the browser supports it, the encrypted HTTPS protocol. We recommend using HTTPS when possible.
2.SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) - Any standard SNMP client can use this protocol.
3.Telnet - Use a standard Telnet client to access an arbitrary device connected to one of the Smart 16 IP's serial ports via a terminal mode.