This book is the primary reference and user’s guide for the LSI Logic Symbios® SYM8953U PCI to Ultra2 SCSI Host Adapter. It contains a complete functional description for the SYM8953U as well as complete physical and electrical specifications.
This document assumes that you have some familiarity with SCSI protocol and related support devices and will benefit persons installing and using the SYM8953U Host Adapter Board.
•Chapter 1, Using the SYM8953U Host Adapter, defines the interfaces and characteristics of the SYM8953U PCI to Ultra2 SCSI Host Adapter Board.
•Chapter 2, Installing the SYM8953U Host Adapter, provides both quick and detailed installation instructions.
•Chapter 3, Configuring the SYM8953U Host Adapter, describes the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility to configure adapter and device settings.
•Appendix A, Technical Specifications, describes the physical and operational environments of the SYM8953U Host Adapter Board.
•Appendix B, Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, provides definitions of various terminology that is referenced throughout this user’s guide.
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