Lucent Technologies Exploring and Their Drivers for Enhanced Device Functionality

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Application Note

February 1999

Typical Circuit Showing the USS-720

Bridging USB to Parallel Port


The USS-720 can be used in a variety of applica- tions, such as bus-powered devices, self-powered devices, hubs, and embedded printer controllers. The following describes using the device in a bus- powered application (see attached schematic).

Note: The attached schematic depicts a typical func- tional circuit using the USS-720 as a bridge between the USB and a parallel port. Actual applications may require additional protection circuitry. The schematic and circuit description provided in this application note are for refer- ence purposes only. Neither Lucent nor In- System Design warrants their suitability for any particular purpose.

The USS-720 is a dual-powered chip requiring both 5 V and 3.3 V supplies. The 3.3 V is generated using a low dropout regulator. The USS-720 must operate with a USB supply (VBUS) of 4.4 V to 5.25 V. Using a low dropout regulator ensures a solid 3.3 V supply even at the lowest limits of the 5 V VBUS. The 5 V supply is used by the 1284 printer port drivers.

The USS-720 also requires a 12 MHz ± 0.25% crystal. In embedded applications, an oscillator output should be connected to clk_lo (pin 21), and pin 22 should be left unconnected.

The USS-720 requires a 1.5 kΩ pull-up resistor attached to the DPLS signal to indicate that it is a high-speed 12 Mbits/s device as per the USB specifi- cation. There is also a USB differential driver imped- ance specification of 30 Ω to 42 Ω. A 24 Ω series resistor, when added to the output impedance of the USS-720 USB drivers, puts the total output imped- ance in the middle of that range.

A similar driver output impedance requirement is true for the IEEE* 1284 printer signals. A 24 Ω series resistor is used on all the 1284 signals that are driven by the USS-720 to give each signal a total output impedance of 45 Ω to 55 Ω . The IEEE 1284 specifi- cation also requires 1.2 kΩ pull-up resistors on all the printer signals, except PLH. PLH only requires a 7.5 kΩ pull-down resistor.

While the IEEE 1284 specification requires these resistors, developers must make their own design decisions against the 500 μA suspend mode current requirements of the USB specification. The following schematic does not show the pull-down resistor on the PLH signal. The internal pull-down on the USS- 720 can be used for this purpose. Similarly, the pull- up resistor values may have to be modified to higher values than the IEEE 1284 specification allows in order to meet the USB requirements.

Standard decoupling should be used on the board. It is recommended that 0.1 μF capacitors are placed between VCC_5V/VCC and GND and that they are located as close as possible to the power pins on the USS-720. Sufficient grounding must be implemented on the board to ensure proper functionality. A four- layer board design is recommended with two of the layers used for power and ground planes.

The test and scan signals (pins 23, 24, 31, 32, and

33)are used for functional testing after fabrication and are tied low during normal operation. It is recom- mended that typical bypass techniques be used on the voltage supply pins (see ASIC BYPASS CAPS on attached schematic).

The USS-720 contains a small amount of ROM space that is used to store descriptor data. This data is used during the Plug and Play mode in a Microsoft Windowsoperating system to identify the product. This onboard ROM data can be used during the ini- tial development phase, but unique descriptor data must be provided by the USB peripheral developer for each design.

*IEEE is a registered trademark of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Lucent Technologies Inc.


Image 55
Contents Information Manual, Rev September IntroductionTable of Contents September USB-to-IEEE Bridge Information Manual, Rev Evaluation Kit for USS-720IOCTL1284 Terminate USS-720 USB Device Driver Preliminary User GuideIOCTLSET1284REGISTER USS-720 USB Port Monitor Application Note Evaluation Kit Contents \SAMPLES Hardware RequirementsGetting Started Instructions OSR2.1 Cable Installation InstructionsWindows 98 Cable Installation Instructions Software UpdatesPlug and Play USB Driver and Port MonitorPort Creation Eeprom Lucent Technologies Inc In-System Design, Inc Lucent Technologies Microelectronics GroupUSB Applications Support September Introduction Evaluation Kit SoftwareUSS-720 Driver Software Object Code License Agreement FebruaryOwnership USS-720 Software Use Agreement FebruaryLicensed Software Furnishing of Licensed SoftwareFebruary Software Use Agreement USS-72004 Confidentiality Warranty and IndemnityAgreement Prevails Nothing ConstruedIntegration PublicityNonassignability AddressesDisputes Applicable LawUSS720.INF USS720.SYSDocumentation USS-720 Software Use Agreement February Application Note, Rev February Software ComponentsPlug and Play Operation PnP Customer-Defined DataPrinter Enumeration USB Hardware Types Supported Power ManagementInstallation Process Operating Systems SupportedPrint Types Supported Printer Types SupportedPreliminary Data Sheet, Rev September FeaturesDescription Table of Contents Pin Information Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev USS-720USB-to-IEEE Parallel Port nAck Signal Active-Low Parallel Port nAutoFd Signal Active-LowParallel Port nSelectIn Signal Active-Low Parallel Port nInit Signal Active-LowDescriptor Locations OverviewUSB Port Device Descriptor, Configurations, and Inter- facesOnboard Device Descriptor USB-to- Ieee 1284 Bridge SeptemberDevice Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description Configuration Descriptor USB-to- IeeeBulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A0E1 Interface DescriptorsBulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A1E1 September USB-to-IEEE1284 BridgeBulk In Endpoint Descriptor, I0A1E2 Bulk In Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E2 Bulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E1Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E3 Requests PipesStandard Requests Get Port Status Data Bit Description Printer Class-Specific RequestsGET1284REGISTER Vendor-Specific RequestsSET1284REGISTER Register-Based Operation Ieee 1284 PortByte Register Data RegistersGET1284REGISTER Data Byte Register Data Interrupt Pipe Read DataDefault Bit Symbol Bit Description Status Register Address Bit SymbolParallel Port nFault Signal Reserved USB-to-IEEE1284 Bridge Control Register Address Bit SymbolAccess Default Bit Symbol Bit Description Parallel Port nInit SignalUSS-720Instant USB ECP Command Register Address Bit Symbol Access Mode20 Description Extended Control Register Address Bit SymbolUSS-720 Control Register Address Bit Symbol USS-720 Setup Register Address Bit Symbol Interrupts External Crystal Connection External Circuitry RequirementsAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Unit Filter Bypass ModeHigh Drive Mode Self-Powered ModeClklo Clkhi Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Capacitance Values Parameter UnitSetup and Hold Input Timing Parameter Timing CharacteristicsOutput Delay Timing Parameter Min Max Unit Device Code Package Comcode Outline DiagramOrdering Information Pin MqfpApplication Note February Description USS ParallelPort Bridging USB to Typical Circuit ShowingLucent Technologies Inc Preliminary User Guide, Rev February Signal DirectionsIOCTL1284 Setmode USB Device Driver InitializationO File Functions Preliminary User Guide, Rev USS-720 FebruaryCreateFile ReadFile Error CodesWriteFile DeviceIoControl CloseHandle Control Code Description O Control CodesParameters IOCTL1284 EcpfwdtorevIOCTL1284ECPREVTOFWD IOCTL1284 Ecpsetchannel IOCTL1284 Setmode Register Mode DescriptionIOCTL1284 Terminate Bulkinpipe IoctlabortpipeValue Description BulkoutpipeIoctlcancelpiperequest IOCTLGET1284REGISTER ALTINTERFACE2 IoctlgetaltsettingALTINTERFACE0 ALTINTERFACE1Ioctlgetcapabilities Ioctlgetconfigurationdescriptor Ioctlgetdevicedescriptor Ioctlgetdeviceinstances Ioctlgetinterface Bit Meaning IoctlgetportstatusCommand Description IOCTLISSUEUSS720COMMANDByte Description IoctlreadinterruptpipeIoctlresetpipe IOCTLSET1284REGISTER Ioctlsetaltsetting Ioctlsoftreset Data Structure O Control Data StructuresDeviceinstanceheader DeviceinstanceREGISTER1284, *PREGISTER1284 REGISTER1284ADVREGISTER1284, *PADVREGISTER1284 ADVREGISTER1284Lucent Technologies Inc USS-720 USB Port Monitor Printer Cable with Instant USB USS-720 Application Note USB Port Monitor FebruaryClick on Enter Library Software Installation to download the installation files Application Note JuneSeptember MN99-052CMPR-1 Replaces MN97-061CMPR-04