Lucent Technologies USS-720 manual Overview, USB Port, Descriptor Locations

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Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 5


Instant USB

September 1999


1284 Bridge





The USS-720 creates a bridge between one USB port and one IEEE 1284 enhanced parallel port. Internally, the USS-720 contains an integrated USB transceiver, a USB device controller (UDC) core, an IEEE 1284 core, integrated IEEE 1284 buffers, storage for USB configu- ration data, data buffers, and control logic to tie the blocks together. The USS-720 also contains an onboard oscillator, PLL, and reset block for single-chip operation.

In use, the USB port of the USS-720 is connected via a USB cable to a host computer or the downstream port of a USB hub. Host software sends commands and data to the USS-720 and receives status and data from the USS-720 using the USB protocol.

The IEEE 1284 enhanced parallel port of the device is connected to a peripheral device. If the peripheral is IEEE 1284 compatible, then the associated features and communication modes can be used. The USS-720 provides both automatic and manual operation of the IEEE 1284 port.

USB Port

The USB port on the USS-720 is electrically and logi- cally compliant with the USB Specification Revision 1.0.

Device Descriptor, Configurations, and Inter- faces

Supported Descriptors


Configuration .

Interface. The USS-720 device supports one inter- face with three alternate settings.

Interface 0, alternate settings 0 and 1 are compliant with the USB Device Class Definition for Printing Devices, Release Candidate 1.0.

Interface 0, alternate setting 2 is a vendor-specific interface.

Endpoint. The USS-720 supports the following end- points:

Control endpoint. Accessible as endpoint 0 in all three alternate interface settings.

Bulk Out endpoint. Accessible as endpoint 1 in all three alternate interface settings.

Bulk In endpoint. Accessible as endpoint 2 in alternate interface settings 1 and 2.

Interrupt endpoint. Accessible as endpoint 3 in alternate interface setting 2.


Descriptor Locations

Descriptor data is supplied from an external ROM or other device. The USS-720 provides support for 93CS56 and 93CS66 EEPROM interfaces.

(Note: Substitution EEPROM components must be pin and functional compatible with the 93CS56L/66L. 93C56L/66L, 93CS46L, and 93C46L EEPROM parts will not function correctly with the USS-720.) The for- mat for the externally supplied descriptor data requires that the descriptors loaded be preceded by the total length of the descriptor to be returned. In the case of the device descriptor, this value would be 0x12, which is redundant since the descriptor returned is always 0x12 bytes long; the first byte of the descriptor would also be 0x12. The length of the configuration descrip- tor, however, is not the same as the first byte of that descriptor, since the configuration descriptor and all associated interface and endpoint descriptors are returned as a whole.

The USS-720 also contains a set of device, configura- tion, interface, and endpoint descriptors that may be used in development and prototyping. Retrieval of the onboard descriptors will occur if no external descriptor data is supplied.

Lucent Technologies Inc.


Image 31
Contents Information Manual, Rev September IntroductionTable of Contents September USB-to-IEEE Bridge Information Manual, Rev Evaluation Kit for USS-720IOCTL1284 Terminate USS-720 USB Device Driver Preliminary User GuideIOCTLSET1284REGISTER USS-720 USB Port Monitor Application Note Evaluation Kit Contents \SAMPLES Hardware RequirementsGetting Started Instructions OSR2.1 Cable Installation InstructionsWindows 98 Cable Installation Instructions Software UpdatesPlug and Play USB Driver and Port MonitorPort Creation Eeprom Lucent Technologies Inc In-System Design, Inc Lucent Technologies Microelectronics GroupUSB Applications Support September Introduction Evaluation Kit SoftwareUSS-720 Driver Software Object Code License Agreement FebruaryOwnership USS-720 Software Use Agreement FebruaryLicensed Software Furnishing of Licensed SoftwareFebruary Software Use Agreement USS-72004 Confidentiality Warranty and IndemnityAgreement Prevails Nothing ConstruedIntegration PublicityNonassignability AddressesDisputes Applicable LawUSS720.INF USS720.SYSDocumentation USS-720 Software Use Agreement February Application Note, Rev February Software ComponentsPlug and Play Operation PnP Customer-Defined DataPrinter Enumeration USB Hardware Types Supported Power ManagementInstallation Process Operating Systems SupportedPrint Types Supported Printer Types SupportedPreliminary Data Sheet, Rev September FeaturesDescription Table of Contents Pin Information Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev USS-720USB-to-IEEE Parallel Port nAck Signal Active-Low Parallel Port nAutoFd Signal Active-LowParallel Port nSelectIn Signal Active-Low Parallel Port nInit Signal Active-LowDescriptor Locations OverviewUSB Port Device Descriptor, Configurations, and Inter- facesOnboard Device Descriptor USB-to- Ieee 1284 Bridge SeptemberDevice Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description Configuration Descriptor USB-to- IeeeBulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A0E1 Interface DescriptorsBulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A1E1 September USB-to-IEEE1284 BridgeBulk In Endpoint Descriptor, I0A1E2 Bulk In Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E2 Bulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E1Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E3 Requests PipesStandard Requests Get Port Status Data Bit Description Printer Class-Specific RequestsGET1284REGISTER Vendor-Specific RequestsSET1284REGISTER Register-Based Operation Ieee 1284 PortByte Register Data RegistersGET1284REGISTER Data Byte Register Data Interrupt Pipe Read DataDefault Bit Symbol Bit Description Status Register Address Bit SymbolParallel Port nFault Signal Reserved USB-to-IEEE1284 Bridge Control Register Address Bit SymbolAccess Default Bit Symbol Bit Description Parallel Port nInit SignalUSS-720Instant USB ECP Command Register Address Bit Symbol Access Mode20 Description Extended Control Register Address Bit SymbolUSS-720 Control Register Address Bit Symbol USS-720 Setup Register Address Bit Symbol Interrupts External Crystal Connection External Circuitry RequirementsAbsolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Unit Filter Bypass ModeHigh Drive Mode Self-Powered ModeClklo Clkhi Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Capacitance Values Parameter UnitSetup and Hold Input Timing Parameter Timing CharacteristicsOutput Delay Timing Parameter Min Max Unit Device Code Package Comcode Outline DiagramOrdering Information Pin MqfpApplication Note February Description USS ParallelPort Bridging USB to Typical Circuit ShowingLucent Technologies Inc Preliminary User Guide, Rev February Signal DirectionsIOCTL1284 Setmode USB Device Driver InitializationO File Functions Preliminary User Guide, Rev USS-720 FebruaryCreateFile ReadFile Error CodesWriteFile DeviceIoControl CloseHandle Control Code Description O Control CodesParameters IOCTL1284 EcpfwdtorevIOCTL1284ECPREVTOFWD IOCTL1284 Ecpsetchannel IOCTL1284 Setmode Register Mode DescriptionIOCTL1284 Terminate Bulkinpipe IoctlabortpipeValue Description BulkoutpipeIoctlcancelpiperequest IOCTLGET1284REGISTER ALTINTERFACE2 IoctlgetaltsettingALTINTERFACE0 ALTINTERFACE1Ioctlgetcapabilities Ioctlgetconfigurationdescriptor Ioctlgetdevicedescriptor Ioctlgetdeviceinstances Ioctlgetinterface Bit Meaning IoctlgetportstatusCommand Description IOCTLISSUEUSS720COMMANDByte Description IoctlreadinterruptpipeIoctlresetpipe IOCTLSET1284REGISTER Ioctlsetaltsetting Ioctlsoftreset Data Structure O Control Data StructuresDeviceinstanceheader DeviceinstanceREGISTER1284, *PREGISTER1284 REGISTER1284ADVREGISTER1284, *PADVREGISTER1284 ADVREGISTER1284Lucent Technologies Inc USS-720 USB Port Monitor Printer Cable with Instant USB USS-720 Application Note USB Port Monitor FebruaryClick on Enter Library Software Installation to download the installation files Application Note JuneSeptember MN99-052CMPR-1 Replaces MN97-061CMPR-04