Lucent Technologies USS-720 manual Interrupts

Page 49

Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 5


Instant USB

September 1999


1284 Bridge




IEEE 1284 Port (continued)


The USS-720 can return interrupt status on the inter- rupt pipe. Interrupt status may be generated as a result of one of seven separately maskable conditions. Any interrupts that are pending will no longer be pending after a read operation. The individual conditions are described in the sections that follow.

nAck Interrupt

The nAck interrupt is enabled by setting the Interrupt Enable bit in the Control Register. An interrupt will be generated whenever nAck transitions from 0 to 1. Inter- rupt status is indicated by the nAck Interrupt bit in the Extended Control Register.

EPP Time-Out Interrupt

The EPP time-out interrupt is enabled by setting the EPP Time-Out Interrupt Mask bit in the Control Regis- ter to 0. Note that this is a change from typical host- side parallel port hardware, where interrupts on EPP time-out conditions are enabled by the Interrupt Enable bit in the Control Register.

An EPP time-out occurs when the peripheral fails to respond to an EPP handshake within the time allowed by the IEEE 1284 specification. If this occurs, there is no reliable way to determine whether the peripheral is still functioning or not, or whether the byte in transit was transferred properly, and it will be up to software to attempt to recover by resetting the connection or some other means.

nFault Interrupt

The nFault interrupt is enabled by setting the nFault Interrupt Mask bit in the USS-720 Control Register to 0. Interrupt status is reported via the nFault Interrupt bit in the Extended Control Register. The interrupt is gener- ated when in ECP Mode and either the nFault line tran- sitions from 1 to 0 or the nFault line is low and the interrupt is unmasked. This may indicate that the peripheral has reverse data to transmit.

Bulk In Interrupt

The Bulk In interrupt is enabled by setting the Bulk In Interrupt Mask bit in the USS-720 Control Register to 0.

Interrupt status is reported by the Bulk In Interrupt bit in the Extended Control Register, as well as the Bulk In Empty bit in the same register. This interrupt is gener- ated when there is Bulk In data available for reading by the host. By enabling this interrupt, the host may use the automatic polling of the interrupt pipe to receive notification of incoming data, rather than explicitly poll- ing the Bulk In pipe.

Bulk Out Interrupt

The Bulk Out interrupt is enabled by setting the Bulk Out Interrupt Mask bit in the USS-720 Control Register to 0. Bulk Out empty status is reported via the Bulk Out Empty bit in the Extended Control Register. This inter- rupt is generated when the Bulk Out data pipeline goes completely empty. By enabling this interrupt, the host may use the automatic polling of the interrupt pipe to be notified of the completion of a data transfer, rather than explicitly polling the Bulk Out Empty bit.

Change Interrupt

The Change interrupt is enabled by setting the Change Interrupt Mask bit in the USS-720 Control Register to 0. There is no Interrupt Status bit associated with the Change Interrupt. This interrupt is generated when any of the parallel port signal lines driven by the peripheral (nAck, Busy, nFault, PError, Select, or PLH) change state.

Disconnect Interrupt

The Disconnect interrupt is enabled by setting the Dis- connect Interrupt Mask bit in the USS-720 Control Register to 0. There is no Interrupt Status bit associ- ated with the Disconnect interrupt. This interrupt is generated when the Peripheral Logic High signal makes a transition from 1 to 0, or when Peripheral Logic High is 0 and all other parallel port signal lines driven by the peripheral (nAck, Busy, nFault, PError, and Select) are high for longer than one second. Either of these conditions should indicate that the peripheral has been disconnected from the USS-720.

Lucent Technologies Inc.


Image 49
Contents Information Manual, Rev September IntroductionTable of Contents September USB-to-IEEE Bridge Information Manual, Rev Evaluation Kit for USS-720IOCTL1284 Terminate USS-720 USB Device Driver Preliminary User GuideIOCTLSET1284REGISTER USS-720 USB Port Monitor Application Note Evaluation Kit Contents \SAMPLES Hardware RequirementsGetting Started Instructions OSR2.1 Cable Installation InstructionsWindows 98 Cable Installation Instructions Software UpdatesPlug and Play USB Driver and Port MonitorPort Creation Eeprom Lucent Technologies Inc In-System Design, Inc Lucent Technologies Microelectronics GroupUSB Applications Support September USS-720 Driver Software Object Code License Agreement Evaluation Kit SoftwareFebruary IntroductionLicensed Software USS-720 Software Use Agreement FebruaryFurnishing of Licensed Software OwnershipFebruary Software Use Agreement USS-720Agreement Prevails Warranty and IndemnityNothing Construed 04 ConfidentialityNonassignability PublicityAddresses IntegrationDisputes Applicable LawUSS720.INF USS720.SYSDocumentation USS-720 Software Use Agreement February Application Note, Rev February Software ComponentsPlug and Play Operation PnP Customer-Defined DataPrinter Enumeration Installation Process Power ManagementOperating Systems Supported USB Hardware Types SupportedPrint Types Supported Printer Types SupportedPreliminary Data Sheet, Rev September FeaturesDescription Table of Contents Pin Information Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev USS-720USB-to-IEEE Parallel Port nSelectIn Signal Active-Low Parallel Port nAutoFd Signal Active-LowParallel Port nInit Signal Active-Low Parallel Port nAck Signal Active-LowUSB Port OverviewDevice Descriptor, Configurations, and Inter- faces Descriptor LocationsOnboard Device Descriptor USB-to- Ieee 1284 Bridge SeptemberDevice Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description Configuration Descriptor USB-to- IeeeBulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A0E1 Interface DescriptorsBulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A1E1 September USB-to-IEEE1284 BridgeBulk In Endpoint Descriptor, I0A1E2 Bulk In Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E2 Bulk Out Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E1Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor, I0A2E3 Requests PipesStandard Requests Get Port Status Data Bit Description Printer Class-Specific RequestsGET1284REGISTER Vendor-Specific RequestsSET1284REGISTER Register-Based Operation Ieee 1284 PortGET1284REGISTER Data Byte Register Data RegistersInterrupt Pipe Read Data Byte Register DataDefault Bit Symbol Bit Description Status Register Address Bit SymbolParallel Port nFault Signal Reserved Access Default Bit Symbol Bit Description Control Register Address Bit SymbolParallel Port nInit Signal USB-to-IEEE1284 BridgeUSS-720Instant USB ECP Command Register Address Bit Symbol Access Mode20 Description Extended Control Register Address Bit SymbolUSS-720 Control Register Address Bit Symbol USS-720 Setup Register Address Bit Symbol Interrupts External Crystal Connection External Circuitry RequirementsHigh Drive Mode Filter Bypass ModeSelf-Powered Mode Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min UnitParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Electrical CharacteristicsCapacitance Values Parameter Unit Clklo ClkhiSetup and Hold Input Timing Parameter Timing CharacteristicsOutput Delay Timing Parameter Min Max Unit Ordering Information Outline DiagramPin Mqfp Device Code Package ComcodeApplication Note February Description Port ParallelBridging USB to Typical Circuit Showing USSLucent Technologies Inc Preliminary User Guide, Rev February Signal DirectionsIOCTL1284 Setmode O File Functions InitializationPreliminary User Guide, Rev USS-720 February USB Device DriverCreateFile ReadFile Error CodesWriteFile DeviceIoControl CloseHandle Control Code Description O Control CodesParameters IOCTL1284 EcpfwdtorevIOCTL1284ECPREVTOFWD IOCTL1284 Ecpsetchannel IOCTL1284 Setmode Register Mode DescriptionIOCTL1284 Terminate Value Description IoctlabortpipeBulkoutpipe BulkinpipeIoctlcancelpiperequest IOCTLGET1284REGISTER ALTINTERFACE0 IoctlgetaltsettingALTINTERFACE1 ALTINTERFACE2Ioctlgetcapabilities Ioctlgetconfigurationdescriptor Ioctlgetdevicedescriptor Ioctlgetdeviceinstances Ioctlgetinterface Bit Meaning IoctlgetportstatusCommand Description IOCTLISSUEUSS720COMMANDByte Description IoctlreadinterruptpipeIoctlresetpipe IOCTLSET1284REGISTER Ioctlsetaltsetting Ioctlsoftreset Deviceinstanceheader O Control Data StructuresDeviceinstance Data StructureREGISTER1284, *PREGISTER1284 REGISTER1284ADVREGISTER1284, *PADVREGISTER1284 ADVREGISTER1284Lucent Technologies Inc USS-720 USB Port Monitor Printer Cable with Instant USB USS-720 Application Note USB Port Monitor to download the installation files Software Installation InstructionsApplication Note June Click on Enter LibrarySeptember MN99-052CMPR-1 Replaces MN97-061CMPR-04