Lucent Technologies Host-Based Controller Modem AT Example # 3 Answering a speakerphone call, Ata

Page 52

Host-Based Controller Modem

Data Addendum

AT Command Set

June 15, 1998



AT Voice Commands Reference (continued)


Example # 3: Answering a speakerphone call

The speakerphone application is loaded. The modem is initially idle, in data mode. In this mode, the modem is always screening for incoming calls.




DCE reports ringing from remote station. The user decides to pick-up the


phone, which should initiate the following:


Modem enters voice mode.


DCE responds. Now in voice mode.


Speaker volume set to normal.


DCE responds. Volume level is set.


Call is answered: Attach internal speaker and microphone to the line, DCE




DCE responds. Now in speakerphone mode, connected to the line


(call is answered).

Speakerphone user picks up the phone and hears the caller from the other end. Conversation continues for awhile. When it ends, the speakerphone user hangs up.




DTE issues standard command to terminate call.


DCE responds. Speakerphone goes on-hook. Speaker and microphone are


detached from system, and modem returns to data mode (+FCLASS=0).

Note 1: When the local phone goes off-hook in the middle of a speakerphone call, the speakerphone disconnects, and the DCE returns <DLE>-H to the DTE.

Note 2: When the speakerphone is on, call waiting (hold operation) is initiated by:




DTE sends hold command to DCE.


DCE responds.

Example # 4: Receiving an incoming FAX call in speakerphone or TAD mode and switching to FAX mode

In this example, the sequence begins at the point of the user or telephone answering device (TAD) taking the speakerphone off-hook and detecting a FAX calling tone from the other end.




DCE detects FAX calling tone from the remote FAX and informs the application


by sending DLE-c sequence.


Application switches modem out of voice mode, and into FAX mode.


DCE responds. Now in FAX mode, still off-hook and connected to incoming call.


Application instructs modem to answer FAX call using standard AT commands.


DCE responds. The call is answered, and modem continues with procedures to


establish connection and receive FAX transmission. The application software


will then take care of disconnecting the call when the FAX is done, and returns to


data mode (+FCLASS=0).


Lucent Technologies Inc.

Version 1.0

Image 52 Contents
Contents IntroductionAT Command Summary AT Command Set Summary DescriptionS-Register Summary Default Description AT Testing and Debugging Command Set Summary Description#UD Result Code Summary NoEC-No error control protocol AT Commands Reference Online Data Character Echo Command Echo CommandDnDial Request ID Information Otherwise Hook ControlMars Lapm Monitor Speaker Mode Monitor Speaker VolumeModulation Handshake Return On-line to Data Mode Select Pulse DialingResult Code Control VnDCE Response FormatResult Code Option Result Code Selection and Call Progress MonitoringExt. Result Code Dial Tone Detect Busy Tone Detect Extended Result CodesOK Error Long Space DisconnectRecall Stored Profile Auto RetrainFn Load Factory Settings Dn DTR ControlGn V.22bis Guard Tone Control Auxiliary Relay optionAsynchronous Communications Mode Qn Asynchronous Communications ModeLocal Flow Control Selection Pulse Dial Make-to-Break Ratio SelectionConnect Error Self-Test CommandsData Set Ready DSR Option View Active Configuration and Stored Profile SSEStore Current Configuration YnSelect Stored Profile for Hard ResetZn=x Store Telephone Number \An\Nn Error Control Mode Selection Bits/s Rate Adjusted\Kn Break Control \N3 \Tn Inactivity Timer \Vn Protocol Result Code\Xn XON/XOFF Pass Through Data Calling ToneView Numbers in Blacklist En Enable/Disable Auto-Retrain and Fallback/Fall Forward Cn Data Compression ControlTest and Debug AT Commands Diag AT#UD Last Call Status Report FormatCall Setup Result Codes GstnModulationSchemeActive from 3.7.2/V.58ErrorControl Active from 3.5.2/V.58 Value Description CompressionActive from 3.2.2/V.58 Value DescriptionCallCleared codes from 3.6.4/V.58-1994 Value Description ImplementedDteHangupCommand AT Commands Reference S-Registers S3Command Line Termination Character user definedAuto Answer Ring Number AT Escape Character user definedResponse Formatting Character user defined Command Line Editing Character user definedConnection Completion Time-Out Comma Dial Modifier Time S10S11 S12 Escape Guard TimeS24 Timer to Control Sleep Mode S21 24/General Bit Mapped Options StatusS22 Results Bit Mapped Options Status S28S30 Inactivity Timer S32 Synthetic Ring VolumeS33 Synthetic Ring Frequency S35S42 Auto Rate default 1, range 0 ¾1 S38 K56flex Downstream RateS43 Auto Mode default 1, range 0¾1 S48 Lapm Error Control and Feature Negotiation defaultS48 S48 = S89AT FAX Command Set Summary AT FAX Command Set Class 1 FAXCommand Description AT FAX Commands Reference +FTM=m Transmit FAX Data with m Carrier Command Option Modulation Speed bits/s+FRM=m Receive FAX Data with m Carrier +FTH=m Transmit Hdlc Data with m Carrier +FRH=m Receive Hdlc Data with m CarrierFPR +FAA Adaptive answer Manufacturer Identification +FMIResult Lucent Data/Fax Product Identification +FMMAT Voice Command Set AT Voice Command SetVoice Commands AT Voice Command Set Not Defined In IS-101 SpecificationAT Voice Commands Reference AT+VIT = Timer DTE/DCE Inactivity Timer AT+VGR=gainAT+VEM=mask Event Reporting and Masking AT+VNH = Hook Automatic Hang-up ControlAT+VLS=label Analog Source/Destination Selection AT+VTD=durAT+VTS=string Start voice transmission and reception processAT+VSM? AT+VSD=sds, sdi Silence Detection Quiet and SilenceAT+VSM=? AT+VRA=interval Ringback Goes Away Timer AT+VRN=interval Ringback Never Appeared TimerAT+VPR=rate Select DTE/DCE Interface Rate Events Reported to the DTE AT+VTS= DLE H ATDAT+VLS=5 AT+VLS=7ATH Example # 2 Initiating a stored number speakerphone call Example # 3 Answering a speakerphone call RingAT+FCLASS=1 ATAExample # 6 Switching from speakerphone mode to TAD mode AT+FCLASS=0Connect AT+VLS=1DLE-R Modem answers call AT Dsvd Commands 25ter AT Commands 25ter AT CommandsManufacturer Identification +GMI? Version / Revision Information +GMR?V8o, v8a, and v8cf +ES? AT Commands+ES=? Idle,,,crctype,nrzien +ESA=?+ITF= off, on +ITF=?AT Commands for Homologation Testing and Debugging Version Country Codes CountryCode in HEX USAAT%T21,par#,paramvalue Pulse dial make time 255 ATA, ATD ATD , ATXATB ATH1Homologation Parameters Par # Parameter Description Range ReferenceVersion 150 255 100 120 255 0x00 0x12 0x10 0x88 0x80 0x06 0x0c 0x6b 0xaa Par. # Australia Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany 120 100 255 0x10 0x12 Par. # Netherlands Italy Norway Spain150 100 250 255 0x12 0x10 0x00 0x88 0x06 0x0c 0x80 Par. # Austria Japan China Korea Malaysia Singapore 150 250 255 Portugal Hong Kong 150 255 Version Par. # Canada Mexico India Vietnam Philippines 000 004 002 050 140 S10 020 S11 095 090 S30 S35 001 000 003 002 004 035 050 S10 020 S11 095 090 S30 S35 001 OK ATZ OK ATS11? 085 OK ATZXX-XXXDMOD