LDAP servers | Authentication servers |
Common Name Identifier
Distinguished Name
Delete icon
Edit icon
The common name identifier for the LDAP server. Most LDAP servers use cn. However, some servers use other common name identifiers such as uid.
The distinguished name used to look up entries on the LDAP servers use. The distinguished name reflects the hierarchy of LDAP database object classes above the common name identifier.
Delete the LDAP server configuration. Edit the LDAP server configuration.
To remove an LDAP server from the FortiGate unit configuration - CLI
config user ldap delete <server_name>
Using the Query icon
The LDAP Distinguished Name Query list displays the LDAP Server IP address, and all the distinguished names associated with the Common Name Identifier for the LDAP server. The tree helps you to determine the appropriate entry for the DN field. To see the distinguished name associated with the Common Name identifier, select the Expand icon next to the CN identifier. Select the DN from the list. The DN you select is displayed in the Distinguished Name field. Select OK and the Distinguished Name you selected will be saved in the Distinguished Name field of the LDAP Server configuration.
To see the users within the LDAP Server user group for the selected Distinguished Name, expand the Distinguished Name in the LDAP Distinguished Name Query tree.
Figure 5: LDAP server Distinguished Name Query tree
Common Name Identifier (CN)
Distinguished Name (DN)
Expand Arrow
| FortiOS v3.0 MR7 User Authentication User Guide |
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