Configuring a PPP/MLPPP Link
config ppp [bcp [on off] ipcp [on off]] [ports <portlist>
multilink <groupname>]
PPP/MLPPP Configuration Commands
Table 3-1: PPP/MLPPP Configuration Commands
Command | Description |
config multilink <groupname> add ports <portlist>
Adds ports to a multilink group.
config multilink <groupname> delete ports <portlist>
Removes ports from a multilink group.
config ppp authentication [off chap pap
[ports <portlist> multilink <groupname>]
config ppp [bcp [on off] [ipcp [on off]] [ports <portlist> multilink <groupname>]
config ppp user <username> {encrypted} <password>
[ports <portlist> multilink <groupname>]
config vlan <vlan> add multilink <groupname>
config vlan <vlan> delete multilink <groupname>
create account pppuser <name> {encrypted} {<password>}
create multilink <groupname>
delete multilink <groupname>
delete account pppuser <username>
disable multilink <groupname>
enable multilink <groupname>
Sets the authentication method for a PPP link or a MLPPP multilink group. The default setting is to use no authentication.
Sets the encapsulation method for a PPP/MLPPP link. You cannot set both to on, or both to off. Configuring bcp on implies ipcp off; configuring ipcp on implies bcp off. The default setting is bcp on.
Sets the username sent to the remote end of a PPP/MLPPP link for authentication.
Adds an MLPPP multilink group to a VLAN.
Removes an MLPPP multilink group from a VLAN.
Adds a username that will be accepted by the local end during authentication.
Creates a multilink group.
Deletes a multilink group.
Removes a username from the local authentication list.
Disables a multilink group.
Enables a multilink group (and enables all ports in the group).