Configuring T1 Physical link
Yellow Alarms
A yellow alarm occurs on a device when its signal is not received at the remote end. It is also called a Remote Alarm Indication (RAI). You can disable detection and generation of yellow alarms for a T1 port. When SF framing is used, yellow alarm detection and generation should be set to off, because detection of yellow alarms is not reliable when data traffic is transmitted with SF framing (data traffic often contains bit combinations that do not occur for encoded voice traffic). The default value for yellow alarm generation and detection is both. To configure yellow alarms, use the following command:
config ports <portlist> t1 yellow [detection generation both off]
T1 Port Configuration Commands
Table 2-1: T1 Port Configuration Commands
Command | Description |
config ports <portlist> t1 alarms [on off] | Enables and disables alarms. The default |
| setting is on. |
config ports <portlist> t1 cablelength [ [133 266 399 533 655] feet
config ports <portlist> t1 clock source [internal line]
config ports <portlist> t1 fdl [off att ansi]
Specifies the cablelength attached to the T1 port. The default is 0 dB.
Specifies the clock source used for transmission. The default setting is line.
Specifies the facilities data link (FDL) format for the port. You cannot use FDL with SF framing.
config ports <portlist> t1 framing [esf sf]
config ports <portlist> t1 lbdetect [off inband]
config ports <portlist> t1 linecode [b8zs ami]
config ports <portlist> t1 yellow [detection generation both off]
Specifies the framing type. The default setting is esf, Extended Super Frame (ESF). If sf is chosen, Super Frame (SF), set yellow alarm detection to off, since a yellow alarm can be incorrectly detected with SF framing.
Enables and disables the port to respond to loopback requests from the remote end. The default setting is off.
Sets the linecoding. The default setting is b8zs.
Enable and disable yellow alarm detection and generation.