Extreme Networks AG200 manual Related Publications, Text Conventions

Page 6


Table 2: Text Conventions





Screen displays or

This typeface represents information as it appears on the screen, command syntax,

entered text

or text you enter on a command line.

The words “enter”

When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type something, and then

and “type”

press the Return or Enter key. Do not press the Return or Enter key when an


instruction simply says “type.”

<Key> names

Key names appear in text in one of two ways:


• Referenced by their labels, such as “the Return key” or “the Escape key”


• Written with angle brackets, such as <Enter> or <Esc>


If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are linked with a


plus sign (+). Example:


Press <Ctrl> + <Alt> +< Del>.

Words in italicized type

Italics emphasize a point of information or denote new terms at the place where


they are defined in the text.

Bold type

Graphical user interface (GUI) names and control options that appear on the


management screen.



Related Publications

For more information about configuring and using the Sentriant AG appliance, refer to the following publications:

Sentriant AG Software Installation Guide, Version 5.1

Sentriant AG Software User Guide, Version 5.1

These guides are available in the following directory on the Sentriant AG appliance: /usr/local/nac/webapps/ROOT/docs/UsersGuide/

The filenames for the guides are:

Sentriant AG Software Installation Guide: Installationguide.pdf

Sentriant AG Software User Guide: Usersguide.pdf

Access the document directory in either of the following ways:

Using the console port on the Sentriant AG appliance at any time

After the Sentriant AG appliance has been configured, using SSH

In addition, documentation for Extreme Networks products is available from the Extreme Networks website at the following location:



Sentriant AG200 Hardware Installation Guide



Image 6
Contents Sentriant AG200 Hardware Installation Guide Sentriant AG200 Hardware Installation Guide Contents Index Organization of this Guide PrefaceAbout this Guide ConventionsRelated Publications Text ConventionsFront Panel Features About the Sentriant AG200 ApplianceChassis Overview Back Panel Features LED OperationLCD Panel About the Sentriant AG200 Appliance Site Preparation and Unpacking Site Requirements for the Sentriant AG ApplianceRack Ventilation Requirements Unpacking the Sentriant AG Appliance Required Tools and Equipment Installing the Sentriant AG200 ApplianceOverview Attaching the Rack-Mount BracketsInstalling the Sentriant AG Appliance in a Rack Installing the Sentriant AG200 ApplianceConnecting Power Connecting CablesInstalling the Sentriant AG200 Appliance Startup and Configuration Connecting to the Console PortUsing Console Menus Performing the Initial Setup Configuring Network SettingsSetting the Time, Date, and Time Zone Startup and Configuration Sentriant AG200 Hardware Installation Guide Setting the Operation Mode of the Server Initial Configuration Security Alert WindowEnter Management Server Settings Window Enter License Key Window Enabling LAN Bypass Sentriant AG Home WindowSelect Onboard Devices Startup and Configuration Safety Information Considerations Before InstallingPower Safety Maintenance Safety General Safety PrecautionsBattery Replacement and Disposal Hinweise zur Installation SicherheitshinweiseWartungssicherheit Allgemeine SicherheitsmaßnahmenAustauschen und Entsorgen von Batterien Technical Specifications Sentriant AG Appliance Technical SpecificationsTechnical Specifications Sentriant AG Appliance Technical Specifications Technical Specifications Index Index