Enterasys Networks Wireless Ethernet Adapter I manual Flow control

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Using the Terminal Configurator

[flow control]

The Ethernet Adapter supports the following six flow control options: Recognize RTS, Generate CTS, Recognize DTR, Generate DSR, Recognize XON/XOFF, and Generate XON/XOFF. It also supports the original RS-232 specification for flow control where CTS is generated only when RTS is asserted. These options are explained below.

The incoming flow control options specify what method of communication is used between the Ethernet Adapter and the device it is communicating with over the RS-232 cable to instruct the Ethernet Adapter when to start and stop sending data. Since the Ethernet Adapter is a DCE (Data Communications Equipment) device, the three methods of incoming flow control are software (also known as XON/XOFF), RTS (Request To Send), and DTR (Data Terminal Ready).

These three methods are all signals that the host computer sends to the Ethernet Adapter when it either has too much data to work with and wants the Ethernet Adapter to stop sending, or when it does not have enough data and wants the Ethernet Adapter to start sending what it has.

Software flow control is implemented as two specific characters that are sent on the wire embedded with the data. RTS and DTR are signals that have their own wires, independent of the data wires.

The outgoing flow control options specify the method of communication that is used between the Ethernet Adapter and the host computer. This communication instructs the computer to start and stop sending data. The host computer is a DTE device (Data Terminal Equipment), thus uses software CTS (Clear To Send), and DSR (Data Set Ready) as its flow control signals. The aforementioned signals are sent to the host computer while its buffers fill and empty by the Ethernet Adapter.

Software flow control works the same outgoing as it does incoming. CTS and DSR work the same way RTS and DTR do as well.

When one communicator wants the other to stop sending data, it can use as many of the flow control options as necessary to communicate its request to the other side. Selection for software is flow control is made during the configuration.

For both incoming and outgoing flow control use the words “yes” and “no” to enable or disable recognition.

There is one additional allowed value for the CTS entry. This value is RTS. This may seem confusing, but originally the UART protocol was only defined to restrict data flow in one direction and that would be from a modem to the host computer. Originally, the modem would be allowed to send data to the host computer at any time. (The modem which does not have any buffering capabilities would loose data if the data was not sent to the host


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Contents Wireless Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide Page Page Vcci Notice Declaration of Conformity Page Contents Wireless Printing Problem Solving Page Purpose of the Manual PrefaceIntended Audience Organization of this DocumentComponent Document Associated DocumentsGetting Help Page Site Requirements Chapter Preparing for InstallationParameter Description SpecificationsComponents Unpacking and InspectingEthernet Adapter RoamAbout Ethernet Adapter Installation Quick StartWireless Infrastructure Network Chapter Configuration OverviewInfrastructure Network Example Ad-Hoc Network Example Wireless Ad-HocNetworksPage Installation Procedure Chapter InstallationRemoving the Bottom Mounting Plate Inserting the PC Card LED Description Ethernet Adapter LED IndicatorsInstallation Chapter Ethernet Adapter Manager InstallationSelect Ethernet Adapter Manager from the list UninstallSelect Start-Settings Control Panel Starting the Ethernet Adapter Manager Using the Ethernet Adapter ManagerConfiguration Window Configuring the Ethernet AdapterButton Action Tab Name ActionLoading a Configuration Saving a ConfigurationSetting a Password Setting and Removing PasswordsClick on Update Password Now Removing a PasswordUpgrading the Ethernet Adapter Firmware Resetting to Factory DefaultsChanging Your PC Card Type Using the Log ViewerRoaming Log GUI Message LogEvent Log Forwarding Table Forward TableBasic Tab PC Card ConfigurationPC Card Configuration Radio Advanced Tab Advanced TabEncryption Tab Click on the Update and Reset Unit buttonClick on the Enable Encryption box HEX Ascii Encryption Key Length Example LevelClick on the Update and Reset Unit button Network Configuration Network Basic Tab Page Configuration Flowchart Chapter General Serial ConfigurationConfiguration Flowchart Serial Uart Tab Uart SettingsUart Settings Software Flow Control Flow ControlHardware Flow Control Serial Packets Flow Control ConfigurationConfiguring the Ethernet Adapter to Enable Wireless Printing Chapter Wireless PrintingConfiguring the Ethernet Adapter to Enable Wireless Printing Appendix a Terminal Configurator Establishing a Direct Serial Connection Select Programs--Accessories--HyperterminalChoose None for the Flow control option Establishing a Telnet Connection Using the Terminal ConfiguratorMain Menu Overview Editor File contents Configuration File FormatRS-232 port uart0 Hardware BridgeSoftware Using the Terminal Configurator Flow control Control Passthrough2 PassthroughTelnet Rmpbind Network BindingsTcpbind1a Bridged Ethernet lan0 Encryption Using the Terminal Configurator Page Appendix B Problem Solving Situation Problem Steps to take Table B-1 Problem DiagnosisSituation Problem Steps to take Error Code Problem Steps to take Table B-2 Event Log Error TableError Code Problem Steps to take Hardware Errors RMP Pipe Appendix C Serial Line ConfigurationSerial Line Replacement RMP Pipe Parameters Serial Line ReplacementApplication Sensitivity Transmit Try Count Setting TCP Pipe Network Serial Port Network Serial Port ConfigurationTCP Connect Port TCP Listen Port ConfigurationSerial Telnet Client Serial Telnet Client ConfigurationWait for Keystroke Connection Configuration Command Prompt Connection Configuration