About This Guide
This installation guide provides the necessary information to install and configure a RoamAbout RBT‐8200 Wireless Switch within an enterprise network.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for experienced network administrators who are responsible for implementing and maintaining communications networks.
Associated Documents
•RoamAbout Mobility System Software Configuration Guide. Explains how to configure and manage an Enterasys Networks Mobility System Software™ wireless LAN (WLAN) using the Mobility System Software™ command line interface (CLI) commands that you enter on a RoamAbout Switch (RAS).
•RoamAbout Mobility System Software Command Line Interface Reference. Explains the Mobility System Software (MSS) command line interface (CLI) commands that you enter on a RoamAbout Switch (RAS) to configure and manage the Mobility System wireless LAN (WLAN).
•RoamAbout Switch Manager Users Guide. Explains how to plan, configure, deploy, and manage an Enterasys Networks Mobility System Wireless LAN (WLAN) using the RoamAbout Switch Manager (RASM) tool suite.
•RoamAbout 8200 Regulatory Information document. To ensure that you have the latest regulatory information, go to www.enterasys.com/products/wireless.
Conventions Used in This Guide
The following typographical conventions are used in this manual.
bold type | Actual user input values or names of screens and commands. |
blue type | Indicates a hypertext link. When reading this document online, click the text in blue to |
| go to the referenced figure, table, or section. |
italic type | User input value required. |
courier | Used for |
| Electrical Hazard: Warns against an action that could result in personal injury or |
| death. |
| Riesgo Electrico: Advierte contra una acción que pudiera resultar en lesión corporal |
| o la muerte debido a un riesgo eléctrico. |
| Elektrischer Gefahrenhinweis: Warnung vor sämtlichen Handlungen, die zu |
| Verletzung von Personen oder Todesfällen – hervorgerufen durch elektrische |
| Spannung – führen können! |