Example 2
John and David both have a SIP Address from the same service provider.
John’s SIP URL: 1234@draytel.org
David’s SIP URL: 4321@draytel.org
John’s settings
DialPlan index 1
Phone Number: 1111
Display Name: David
SIP URL: 4321@draytel.org
SIP Related Function
SIP Port: 5060 (default)
Registrar: draytel.org
Proxy: (Duplicate)
Domain/Realm: (Duplicate)
Port 1:
Use Registrar: (checked)
Display Name: john
Account Name: 1234
Authorization User: (Duplicate)
Password: ******
Expiry Time: (use default value)
(use default value)
David’s settings
DialPlan index 1
Phone Number:2222
Display Name: John
SIP URL:1234@draytel.org
SIP Related Function
SIP Port: 5060(default)
Registrar: draytel.org
Proxy: (Duplicate)
Domain/Realm: (Duplicate)
Port 1:
Use Registrar: (checked)
Display Name: david
Account Name: 4321
Authorization User: (Duplicate)
Password: ******
Expiry Time: (use default value)
(use default value)
John calls David
he picks up the phone and dials 1111#. (DialPlan Phone Number for David)
David calls John
he picks up the phone and dials 2222# (DialPlan Phone Number for John)
John calls David
he picks up the phone and dials 4321#. (David’s Account Name)
David calls John
he picks up the phone and dials 1234# (John’s Account Name)