FlashLoad (Updating the Communications System Software)
You can update your Eumex 704PC LAN system software yourself. This may be nec- essary when new features become available. You can download the newest version from the Internet under the following address: http://www.telekom.de/faq, where you click on "Endgeräte und Downloads"
(Devices and Downloads) in the next screen on
Downloadable system software generally has the file name extension "*.efw." The file name indicates the corresponding device (in this case "E704_*.efw" for the Eumex 704PC LAN), as well as the version (e.g. "E704_v100.efw" for version 1.00).
Save the new system software in the "Eumex 704" folder, in which the system soft- ware current at the time of delivery has already been copied by the installation pro- gram.
You can only update the system software if the PC is connected via the USB port.
While the software is uploading to the Eumex 704PC LAN, the communications sys- tem is deactivated, i.e. no calls can be made and any existing calls are disconnected. The procedure takes approximately one minute, after which the Eumex 704PC LAN is fully operational again. The update does not affect your current configuration.
The system software update program can be found in the folder created by the instal- lation program when the complete installation described at the beginning is carried out.
You start the FlashLoad program by double clicking, by selecting the Windows Start button, or by invoking it in the CAPI icon