| Automatic external line seizure (the default setting on delivery): |
b | Lift the handset. You hear an external dialling tone. |
r | Press the |
tDial the desired internal number (11 to 14). You hear internal call signalling: the call is signalled on the internal subscriber’s device.
Manual external line seizure:
bLift the handset. You hear the internal dialling tone.
t | Dial the desired internal number (11 to 14 ). You | hear internal call signalling: the call |
is signalled on the internal subscriber’s device. |
Please note the difference between automatic and manual external line seizure using the digit 0 in all dialling procedures from here on.
b t
Making External Calls
In the case of automatic external line seizure (default setting on delivery): Lift the handset. You will hear an external dialling tone.
Dial the external number.
In the case of manual external line seizure:
bLift the handset. You will hear an internal dialling tone.
0t Dial 0. You hear an external dialling tone. Dial the external number.