Basic Operation
Dolby Noise Reduction (NR) Dolby NR systems reduce tape hiss and background noise. When recording, the systems listen for places where you might later hear hiss.
The systems record these sections at a higher level. When you play the tape, the systems decrease these sections’ volume, restoring the music to its original level and reducing the noise level.
Dolby B NR reduces background noise by about 10 dB. Dolby C NR reduces background noise by about 20 dB.
Setting DOLBY NR for Playback
When you play a cassette tape, set DOLBY NR for the system used when the tape was recorded. For prerecorded tapes, use these guidelines to set DOLBY NR:
•If Dolby NR or is not on the cassette label, set the switch to OFF.
•If Dolby NR or does appear, but the label does not specify Dolby C NR, set the switch to B.
•If Dolby C NR is on the label, set the switch to C.
Setting DOLBY NR for Recording
Set DOLBY NR for the system you want to use.
You can play cassette tapes recorded with Dolby B or C NR on players that do not have the same system. However,
Recording with the Dolby HX Pro System
If the source you are recording has many
You can play a cassette tape recorded with the Dolby HX Pro system on any cassette player.