4.Create and configure the data VLAN that will run between the control room and the closets.
•Assign a VLAN ID for the data VLAN.
•Assign a name for the data VLAN.
•Assign ports to the data VLAN.
ProCurve Switch
ProCurve Switch
ProCurve Switch
ProCurve Switch
ProCurve Switch
5. Save the running configuration to the startup configuration.
ProCurve Switch
ProCurve Switch
8. Configure Closet-B ProCurve 2610-24-PWR Switch
This section addresses configuring the ProCurve
To configure the ProCurve
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
1.Log into the ProCurve
ProCurve Switch
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