Advanced Settings
802.11g Protection - This enables protection mechanisms for when 802.11b clients join the net- work. It enables CTS
DTIM Period - An access point transmits beacon signals to nearby clients at a preset interval. This parameter sets the beacon transmission interval time
Wireless Output Power - Confi gure output power of the AirStation. Decrease wireless output power to shrink the wireless communication range. The default setting of 100% is recommended unless decreased range is desired
Wireless LAN Security
Broadcast SSID - Enable or Dis- able the SSID (SSID) from being broadcasted. If denied, the AirStation will not be found unless the specifi c AirStation’s SSID is entered in the client computer manually.
Data Encryption - Disable to have no encryption of the wireless data. This will make accessing the AirStation and the network very easy. It is im-