Setting Alarms
Alarm thresholds can help you locate problems or faults on the net- work. When you set a threshold for an activity on a hub, you instruct the hub to take a specific action when a value falls above or below the set threshold.
This section explains how to set, delete, and modify alarm thresholds.
To add an alarm:
1 Do not select any item on the Device Page’s front panel image. (This selects the entire device.)
2 Click Threshold.
The Alarm Threshold Table appears, similar to Figure
Figure 3-22 Alarm Threshold Table
ΔNote: If there are no alarm thresholds set, the table is empty.
3 Click Add to add an entry.
The Add Dialog box appears, similar to Figure
Figure 3-23 Add Alarm Threshold Dialog box
Complete each entry as outlined on page
Click Apply.
The alarm threshold is added. If it does not appear in the Alarm Threshold Table, click Refresh.