Setting Alarms
Field | Description | Action |
Index | Displays the number of the | This field is |
| alarm entry. | cannot be edited. |
Status | The status of the alarm | Select valid to add an |
| entry. | alarm or invalid to delete |
| the alarm. |
Target Domain | The portion of the device | Select port, group, or |
| for which the alarm is to | segment0 (device) from |
| be set. | the |
Target Group | The number of the group | Only enter a group num- |
| for which the alarm is to | ber if group was selected |
| be set. | as the Target Domain. |
Target Port | The number of the port for | Only enter a port number |
| which the alarm is to be | if port was selected as the |
| set. | Target Domain. |
Subject | The counter to be polled | Select a counter from the |
| for the alarm. | |
| See “Subject” on page 4- |
| 14 for a description of each |
| counter. |
Sample Type | The unit of measure for | This field cannot be edited; |
| the alarm. | it is always set to event- |
| persecond. |
Startup Event | Determines when the | Select rising, falling, or ris- |
| alarm is to be triggered. | ingANDfalling from the |
| |
| See “Startup Event” on |
| page |
| tion of each event. |
Threshold | The value that triggers the | Enter an integer. |
Value | alarm. |
Detected Value | Displays the last measure- | This field is |
| ment made. | cannot be edited. |
Rising Event | The response to occur for | Select a response from the |
| a triggered rising event. | |
| See “Rising Event” on |
| page |
| tion of each response. |
Falling Event | The response to occur for | Select a response from the |
| a triggered falling event. | |
| See “Falling Event” on |
| page |
| tion of each response. |