Microprocessor Instruction Set
ABA | Add Accumulators | INS | Increment Stack Pointer |
ADC | Add with Carry | INX | Increment Index Register |
ADD | Add |
AND | Logical And | JMP | Jump |
ASL | Arithmetic Shift Left | JSR | Jump to Subroutine |
ASR | Arithmetic Shift Right | LDA | Load Accumulator |
| LDS | Load Stack Pointer |
BCC | Branch if Carry Clear | LDX | Load Index Register |
BCS | Branch if Carry Set | LSR | Logical Shift Right |
BEQ | Branch if Equal to Zero |
BGE | Branch if Greater or Equal | NEG | Negate |
| Zero |
BGT | Branch if Greater than Zero | NOP | No Operation |
BHI | Branch if Higher |
BIT | Bit Test | ORA | Inclusive OR Accumulator |
BLE | Branch if Less or Equal | PSH | Push Data |
BLS | Branch if Lower of Same | PUL | Pull Data |
BLT | Branch if Less than Zero | ROL | Rotate Left |
BMI | Branch if Minus | ROR | Rotate Right |
BNE | Branch if Not Equal to Zero | RTI | Return from Interrupt |
BPL | Branch if Plus | RTS | Return from Subroutine |
BRA | Branch Always |
BSR | Branch to Subroutine | SBA | Subtract Accumulators |
BVC | Branch if Overflow Clear | SBC | Subtract with Carry |
BVS | Branch if Overflow Set | SEC | Set Carry |
| SEI | Set Interrupt Mask |
CBA | Compare Accumulators | SEV | Set Overflow |
CLC | Clear Carry | STA | Store Accumulator |
CLI | Clear Interrupt Mask | STS | Store Stack Register |
CLR | Clear | STX | Store Index Register |
CLV | Clear Overflow | SUB | Subtract |
CMP | Compare | SWI | Software Interrupt |
COM | Complement |
CPX | Compare Index Register | TAB | Transfer Accumulators |
| TAP | Transfer Accumulators to |
| Condition Code Reg. |
DAA | Decimal Adjust | TBA | Transfer Accumulators |
DEC | Decrement | TPA | Transfer Condition Code |
| Reg. to Accumulator |
DES | Decrement Stack Pointer | TST | Test |
DEX | Decrement Index Register | TSX | Transfer Stack Pointer |
| to Index Register |
FOR | Exclusive OR | TXS | Transfer Index Register |
| to Stack Pointer |
INC | Increment | WAI | Wait for Interrupt |