•Change the IP address to a user defined address by selecting Use the following IP address option (click inside the circle to the left of it) and typing the addresses in the spaces provided
•Change the DNS Server addresses to user defined addresses by selecting Use the following DNS server addresses (click inside the circle to the left of it) and typing the addresses in the spaces provided.
•The Advanced button of the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Proper- ties” window may be used to alter IP settings, DNS server ad- dresses, WINS addresses, IP security options, and TCP/IP filtering options.
5.Click <OK> to apply your changes and exit from the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties” window.
6.The “Local Area Connection Properties” window will reappear. Click <OK> to end the TCP/IP options modification session.
Microsoft Windows 2000
TCP/IP settings are automatically set up during the software installation process. The following procedure may be used to change TCP/IP settings, if necessary.
1.From your PC desktop, open the “Control Panel” window (Start => Settings => Control Panel). Double click the <Network and
2.Double click the <Local Area Connection> icon from the “Network and
3.Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the “General” tab of the “Local Area Connection Properties” window. Click <Properties>.