Silicon Laboratories CP2112-EK manual Customization Tab

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11.Figure 5 shows the Customization tab, which allows you to program the One-Time-Programmable (OTP) parameters of the device. The parameters that are programmed with this tab can only be programmed once and cannot be changed back to their default values after being programmed. This tab has the same functionality as the CP2112SetIDs application in the software in “AN144: CP210x/CP211x Device Customization Guide”. In order for these parameters to be sucessfully programmed, there must be a

4.7 µF capacitor connected between the VPP pin and ground. The CP2112-EK board has this capacitor. See "6. Schematic" on page 8 for more details on the evaulation board schematic.

a.The “USB Customization” section allows you to program USB parameters. To get the current settings, click “Get”. To modify the parameters, change the settings by modifying the text boxes and checking the box next to the parameter being modified. After this, click “Set”. Without checking the corresponding box, the parameter will not be changed.

Perform a “Get” after changing any parameters to ensure that the settings were changed.

b.The “String Descriptors” section allows you to program the serial strings of the CP2112. To modify these, type a string into the corresponding text box and click “Set”. Perform a “Get” after changing any parameters to ensure that the settings were changed.

c.The “Lock Byte” section shows which fields have been programmed and allows you to lock fields from being modified. Any field that has been programmed will not be checked. To prevent a field from being programmed, uncheck the corresponding box and then click “Set”. Perform a “Get” after changing any parameters to ensure that the settings were changed.

Figure 5. Customization Tab

Rev. 0.2


Image 5
Contents CP2112 Hardware Interface Kit ContentsSoftware Setup CP2112 Windows Application CP2112-EKData Transfer Tab Pin Configuration Tab Customization Tab LED Headers J1, J2, J3, J4 Target BoardVDD and VIO Power Connector J6 SMBus Signals TB1, H1SMBus Pull-Up Voltage Connector J7 Suspend LED Connector J8CP2112 Evaluation Board Schematic SchematicRevision 0.1 to Revision Document Change ListContact Information