#Interrupts after this number of NIU hardware ticks have
#elapsed since the last packet was received.
#A value of zero means no time blanking (Default = 8).
#Interrupt after this number of packets have arrived since
#the last packet was serviced. A value of zero indicates
#no packet blanking (Default = 20).
#Default Interrupt Blanking parameters.
#These variables define how each IP class is configured.
#Configuration options range from whether TCAM lookup ie
#is enabled to flow hash generation.
#This parameters also control how the flow template is
#constructed and how packet is distributed within RDC
#supported classes:
#Configuration bits (The following bits will be decoded
#by the driver as hex format).
#0010:use MAC Port (for flow key)
#0020:use L2DA (for flow key)
#0040:use VLAN (for flow key)
#0080:use proto (for flow key)
#0100:use IP src addr (for flow key)
#0200:use IP dest addr (for flow key)
#0400:use Src Port (for flow key)
#0800:use Dest Port (for flow key)
Chapter 5 Configuring the nxge Device Driver Parameters | 39 |