Users Manual CX2
Using Wireless Communication
This product operates at 2.4GHz
No radio license is required to use this product. Take note of the following points.
Do not use next to the following.
The following equipment may use the same band. If you use this product near this equipment, the radio waves from the PRICOM
-Microwave, scientific instruments, pacemaker or other medical equipment.
-Licensed radio station in a factory.
-Small power radio station (a none licensed radio station).
You should not use this product near cellular phone, TV, Radio.
-A cellular phone, TV, and radio use a different radio band than our product. Generally if they are used near our product, it will not cause a problem. However, when they approximate this product, sound or image noise can happen.
If there is reinforced concrete/metal between wireless devices, they may not connect.
-This product can connect through wood or glass, but can have trouble communicating through reinforced concrete/metal.