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4.5.Map Descriptor Example.
In this example, we provide a map descriptor to capture data from a scale and store it in a Data Array called ‘DA_Scale’. The 1st element converted from the ASCII steam will be store at offset zero in the Data Array. The driver will convert and store floating point numbers because the data_type is a floating point type. A maximum of 10 number fields can be processed and stored. The driver only converts and stores the data when the ASCII stream ends. Read appendix xxxxxx to learn how the driver knows when a stream has ended and it should process and strore data.
Map_Descriptors |
Map_Descriptor_Name, | Data_Array_Name, | Data_Array_Offset, | Function, | Node_name | Data_Type | Length |
Store_Weights, | DA_Scale, | 0, | Passive, | Node_A, | 10, |
Map Descriptor Names do not need to be unique but making them so may facilitate trouble shooting.
The name of the Data Array where the incoming data should be stored.
Driver waits passively for incoming data. There is no polling.
The 1st element of converted data will be stored at this location in the DA. Subsequent data is stored in consecutive locations.
Connects this Map Descriptor to a Node Descriptor which in turn points to a connection descriptor.
A maximum of 10 value items will be stored.
When the driver processes the stream it should (in this case) treat the data as floating point data. Ensure that the format of the Data is suitable to store a floating point value
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