Driver Manual |
Name of the data array that will be updated when this map descriptor is used.
All map descriptors for the AM6000 Notifier driver must be passive.
When a Block Acknowledge or System Reset message is received the driver will set the portion of the data array
DEVICE_STATES_LO OP1 starting at Data_Array_Offset for Length number of elements to zero.
Map_block_Name,scan_interval, Data_Array_Name, | Data_Array_Offset, Function, node_name, AM6000_TypeID, Length , am6000_Ackabl | |||||
MD1, | 1.0s, | SYSTEM_TROUBLES2, 5, | passive, node_a, | 50 , Yes |
System Trouble Messages are processed using this map descriptor. Only one map descriptor like this is necessary for a whole system.
This indicates Style2 is being used.
Thus when system trouble message number n is processed the nth element of data array starting at location 5 (this example) will be set to 1.
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