Driver Manual |
This statistic indicates the number of messages that were received but were ignored by the driver. Messages are ignored for one of two reasons. Firstly, the driver might not understand the message and secondly because the driver doesn't know what to do with the data from the message.
Ignored Messages
Ignored messages are very important since they do not result in the data arrays being updated. Messages are ignored for one of two reasons.
Firstly, the driver might not understand the message and secondly because the driver doesn't know what to do with the data from the message. The message t may contain a keyword or be formatted in a way that cannot be understood.. It may be the case that the equipment manufacturer adds new features to the protocol. FieldServer Technologies needs to be informed of any such messages so that this driver can be updated.
Secondly, you may have omitted to define a map descriptor which tells the driver what to do with the data from an incoming message. For example, say a map descriptor is defined for address 501 with a length of 50 but a message is received from device 575. Clearly the map descriptor's device address range does not extend ass far as 575 and thus the driver doesn't know where to store device 575's data.
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