FieldServer FCI 7100 Series, FS-8700-112 Appendix B. Driver Error Messages, Message Description

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FS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Driver ManualPage 19 of 24

Appendix B. Driver Error Messages.









FCI7100:#1 FYI. Use a DA called <%s> to expose

Refer to Appendix B.1

diagnostic info., FCI_7100_STATS_DA )





FYI. Added










Printed for your info only. No action




required if it confirms your expectations.

new_event_desc_categ ) ;







Err. No space. Reject Event

There is only space for 60 event types.2

Desc=<%s> Index=%d , new_event_desc


new_event_desc_index_value ) ;











You are adding an event type that

FCI7100:#4 FYI. Duplicate Event Desc=<%s>. ,

already exists.

If you are updating the

new_event_desc ) ;





category, ignore the message. Otherwise







correct the configuration file.2







You are adding an event type that

FCI7100:#5 FYI. Duplicate Event Desc=<%s>. ,

already exists.

If you are updating the

new_event_desc ) ;





index value, ignore the message.







Otherwise correct the configuration file.2

FCI7100:#6 Err. Event Index=%d. Too big to set

If the event index is greater than 64 then

the data cannot be stored as bits as only

bit., drv_bd->event_index )




64 bits are reserved for events.







FCI7100:#7a Err. DA=%s too short. Rqd=%d, dt-

The MD in question has a length and

>buffer_name , offset );





offset which makes it run past the end of

FCI7100:#7b Err. DA=%s too short. Rqd=%d,

the Data Array. Message 7b is printed

possible_md->data->buffer_name , offset );


when data is being stored as bits.2

FCI7100:#8 FYI. Reset was rcvd and processed!

Printed for your info only. No action

Stamped %s %s , drv_bd->time , drv_bd->date )










This message is printed when a reset

FCI7100:#9 Err. Reset was ignored.



was received but for one or more reason



the driver could not reset any data. Have







you set 'Clear_on_Reset' to 'no' on all







MD's ?


FCI7100:#10 FYI. Reset of DA=%s Off=%d



Len=%d, possible_md->data->buffer_name ,

Printed for your info only. No action






possible_md->data_length );






FCI7100:#11 Err. Cant reset DA=%s len=%d






The MD in question has a length and





offset which makes it run past the end of





the Data Array.2








>bxi_data_buffer_offset );






2Correct the configuration file, download to the FieldServer and restart the FieldServer for the changes to take effect.

FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:

Image 19
Contents FS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Serial Driver Table of Contents FCI 7100 Series Serial Driver Description Max Nodes Supported FieldServer Mode CommentsFS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Driver Manual FieldServer Technologies Description Required 3rd Party ConfigurationRequired 3rd Party Software Optional ItemsFCI Hardware ConnectionsTop right hand side of board Connector J3 label on right Example Data Arrays/DescriptorsSection Title Column Title Function Legal ValuesClient Side Connection Descriptions ResetbyanyNode ‘ResetbyanyNode ‘ thenClient Side Node Descriptors Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters Page Map Descriptor Example 1 Sensor / Module Events Map Descriptor Example 2 Bit Storage FS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Driver Manual Index Category Event FS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Driver ManualPage 15Appendix A.3. How Data is stored Appendix A.2. Extending the Event TableFS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Driver Manual Example Appendix A.6. Networked Panels Appendix A.4. Panel SynchronizationFS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Driver ManualPage 19 Appendix B. Driver Error MessagesMessage Description Page Page UINT32 Appendix B.1. Driver Stats ExposedFCI7100STATNOPLACETOSTORENODE This page Intentionally Left Blank