Maxtor 5120 manual Power Mode Commands

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Power Mode Commands

Standby Immediate – 94h/E0h

Spin down and do not change time out value. This command will spin the drive down and cause the drive to enter the STANDBY MODE immediately. If the drive is already spun down, the spin down sequence is not executed.

Idle Immediate – 95h/E1h

Spin up and do not change time out value. This command will spin up the spin motor if the drive is spun down, and cause the drive to enter the IDLE MODE immediately. If the drive is already spinning, the spin up sequence is not executed. The actuator is parked and some circuits are powered off.

Standby – 96h/E2h

Spin down and change time out value. This command will spin the drive down and cause the drive to enter the STANDBY MODE immediately. If the drive is already spun down, the spin down sequence is not executed. A non-zero value placed in the sector count register will enable the Automatic Power Down sequence. The timer will begin counting down when the drive returns to the IDLE MODE. A value of zero placed in the sector count register will disable the Automatic Power Down sequence.

Idle – 97h/E3h

Spin up and change time out value. This command will spin-up the spin motor if the drive is spun-down.

If the drive is already spinning, the spin up sequence is not executed. A non-zero value placed in the Sector Count register will enable the Automatic Power Down sequence and their timer will begin counting down immediately. A value of zero placed in the Sector Count register will disable the Automatic Power Down sequence. The actuator is parked and some circuits are powered off.

Check Power Mode – 98h/E5h

This command returns a code in the Sector Count register that determines the current Power Mode status of the drive. If the drive is in, going to, or recovering from the STANDBY MODE the drive sets the Sector Count register to OOh. If the drive is in the IDLE MODE or ACTIVE MODE, the drive sets the Sector Count register to FFh.

Set Sleep Mode – 99h/E6h

This command will spin the drive down and cause the drive to enter the SLEEP MODE immediately. If the drive is already spun down, the spin down sequence is not executed.

Note: The only way to recover from SLEEP MODE is with a software reset or a hardware reset.

Default Power-on Condition

The drive’s default power on condition is the ACTIVE MODE.

Upon receiving a Power Mode command, except the SLEEP MODE command, the drive sets BSY and performs the requested power operation. Once the requested Power Mode change has begun, the drive resets BSY and generates an interrupt - without waiting for the drive to spin up or spin down. Upon receiving a SLEEP MODE command the drive is spun down, and when it is stopped, the drive resets BSY and generates an interrupt.

7 – 7

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Contents HA RD Drive Produc T MA Nual 92048U8, 91792U7, 91536U6, 91280U5, 91024U4 and 90750U3 DiamondMax PlusRevisions Manual No U T I O N Before You BeginContents Handling and Installation Product SpecificationsHost Software Interface AT Interface DescriptionService and Support Interface CommandsGlossary Figures Abbreviations IntroductionMaxtor Corporation Manual OrganizationNumbering Signal ConventionsConventions Key WordsProduct Description DiamondMax Plus 5120 Key FeaturesFunctional / Interface Product FeaturesSoftware ECC Correction On-the-Fly Hardware Error Correction Code ECCLogical Block Addressing Defect Management Zone DMZAutomatic Write Reallocation AWR Read-Ahead ModeCache Management Buffer SegmentationMajor HDA Components Dual Drive Support Subsystem ConfigurationJumper Location/Configuration Cylinder LimitationModels and Capacities Product SpecificationsDrive Configuration Performance SpecificationsParameter Standard Metric Physical DimensionsEnvironmental Limits Power Requirements AveragePower Mode Definitions EPA Energy Star ComplianceShock and Vibration Reliability SpecificationsRadiated Electromagnetic Field Emissions EMC Compliance Safety Regulatory ComplianceCanadian Emissions Statement Important Notice Handling and InstallationHard Drive Handling Precautions Pre-formatted DriveMulti-pack Shipping Container Unpacking and InspectionRecommended Mounting Configuration Physical InstallationRepacking Drive Identification Information Handling PrecautionsTools for Installation System RequirementsHard Drive Identification General RequirementsMounting Drive in System Systems Using Cable SelectInstalling 5.25-inch Mounting Brackets and Rails Installing in a Device BayAttaching System Cables Attaching Interface and Power CablesSetting the Bios Cmos System SetupBios Cmos Parameters Hard Drive Preparation System Hangs During Boot AT Interface Description Interface ConnectorPin Description Summary Pin Description Table PIN Name Signal Name Signal DescriptionPIO Timing Timing Parameters ModeDMA Timing Ultra DMA Timing Mode MIN MAXSustained Ultra DMA Data In Burst Device Terminating an Ultra DMA Data In Burst Initiating an Ultra DMA Data Out Burst Device Pausing an Ultra DMA Data Out Burst Device Terminating an Ultra DMA Data Out Burst Task File Registers Error RegisterFeatures Register Host Software InterfaceDevice/Head Register Sector Count RegisterSector Number Register Cylinder Number RegistersCommand Register Summary Command Name Command Code Parameters Used SDHDigital Input Register Control Diagnostic RegistersAlternate Status Register Device Control RegisterReset Handling Reset and Interrupt HandlingInterrupt Handling Set Feature Commands Interface CommandsRead Sectors Read CommandsRead Verify Sectors Read Multiple Read DMAWrite Verify Sectors Write CommandsSet Multiple Mode Write SectorsWrite DMA Write MultipleSet Features Mode Set Feature CommandsPower Mode Commands Sleep Mode Identify Drive Initialization Commands15-8 = PIO data transfer mode = Write Cache enabled Initialize Drive Parameters Execute Drive Diagnostic Seek, Format and Diagnostic CommandsFormat Track Execute S.M.A.R.T A.R.T. Command SetSupport Service and SupportService Policy No Quibble ServiceCustomer Service MaxFax ServiceInternet Glossary Access TimeCylinder Zero Gigabyte GB Logical Block Addressing Read Gate Signal THIN-FILM Media