Chapter 5. Using BCAdmin™
This field controls the color of the BreadCrumb box as drawn by BCAdmin. This can be used to reflect the actual color of the BreadCrumb or to represent any other information administrators see fit.
The ESSID is the name of the network provided by the BreadCrumb device’s internal Access Point(s) and used for meshing purposes. When left blank, the default "breadcrumb" is used.
6.Battery Warning (minutes)
Each BreadCrumb device includes a battery timer that monitors run time. When batteries are changed, the battery timer should be reset (by
Diagnostics and Maintenance, then Reset Battery Timer). When the value set in this field is reached, a visible warning is shown in the Topology Area alerting administrators that a battery must be changed.
7.DHCP Server
Each BreadCrumb device provides an internal DHCP server (see the Section called DHCP in Chapter 4 for a description of its addressing scheme). When this checkbox is checked, the DHCP server will run.
8.GPS: Automatic Reporting
For BreadCrumb devices equipped with GPS receivers, this enables their reporting of their coordinates to BCAdmin (and subsequently to a mapping server; see the Section called Mapping with Fugawi Tracker).
9.Manual GPS Settings: Latitude and Longitude
10.AirFortress Encryption: AES-256 and Set Access ID
When this checkbox is checked, the BreadCrumb will enable AirFortress encryption (see the Section called